

In summary Hedges is promoting an earthly utopian society instead of the spiritual kingdom that Jesus brought to us. All those things he said about Jesus's message of love, etc are true in how we are to conduct our lives. But we're working towards eternal salvation in heaven, not heaven on Earth. You've already tipped your hand. You think it's perfectly fine to use violence if you aren't getting your way. It's not if you are a true follower of Jesus. Hedges is using Christianity as a cover for his Marxist beliefs.
they want to establish the kingdom on earth:


this is james cone which says the same thing above



Let me rephrase.

I am telling you to stop.
where is the link to cheryl's rules on spam?

"It depends on the context and the rules of the specific forum. In general, if the quotes are relevant to the discussion and contribute meaningfully to the conversation, they are less likely to be considered spam. However, if you're posting quotes excessively or without context, especially if they don't add value to the discussion, it could be seen as spamming.

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In summary, posting ChatGPT quotes can be fine as long as they are used appropriately and contribute positively to the forum discussions. Always consider the context and community norms to avoid unintentionally spamming."


Staff member
where is the link to cheryl's rules on spam?

"It depends on the context and the rules of the specific forum. In general, if the quotes are relevant to the discussion and contribute meaningfully to the conversation, they are less likely to be considered spam. However, if you're posting quotes excessively or without context, especially if they don't add value to the discussion, it could be seen as spamming.

Here are some considerations:

1. **Relevance**: Ensure that the quotes are relevant to the topic being discussed. They should contribute to the conversation and help others understand or engage with the topic better.

2. **Frequency**: Posting too many quotes in a short period or across multiple threads without proper context might be seen as spamming. It's important to gauge the appropriateness and moderation of your contributions.

3. **Community Guidelines**: Every forum or community may have its own rules regarding what constitutes spam. Check the forum's guidelines or ask moderators if you're unsure whether your posts might be considered spammy.

4. **Value Addition**: Ultimately, your goal should be to add value to the discussion. If the quotes help clarify points, provide insights, or spark thoughtful discussion, they are less likely to be viewed as spam.

In summary, posting ChatGPT quotes can be fine as long as they are used appropriately and contribute positively to the forum discussions. Always consider the context and community norms to avoid unintentionally spamming."
I said no, and you kept going.