
Well-Known Member
Lay off the booze
Here's the fact
In @Coldworld case he's harping about an old girlfriend as a smoking nazi.

Simple questions asked:
Did she smoke when you met her?
Who dumped who?

I can't even recall your :bsbullf: offered but I'd be glad to review.

Then this illiterate "prophet" of god chimes (@BrownFlush) in and here we are.

My bottom line is:

Any of you busting balls of smokers should look at yourself, you aren't pure, most likely have more despicable things going on than noticable smoking.

I don't drink booze. Period.


Well-Known Member
I learned to field dress a cigarette when they allowed us our first a cigarette break at Ft Campbell, Ky. when I was drafted. After I threw my cigarette butt on the ground the Drill Sgt. screamed at me "What are you trying to do son? Catch my rocks on fire?" I didn't get my Army Career off to a good start.
You'll never know how much respect I have for you.
Take Care Sir :thumbup1:


Well-Known Member
I thought they said you were dead. Glad you’re not but thought that was the rumor going around.

Time away, chosen time and it was good. I took another few weeks off and it was good as well.

I'm not dead, I may piss a few folks off for a couple of days and be gone, keep enjoying life and check back in.

While I have the opportunity
I hope your son is doing well, your wife is happy and your soccer fields are the best ever.
In short, I hope the best for you.


Well-Known Member
I learned to field dress a cigarette when they allowed us our first a cigarette break at Ft Campbell, Ky. when I was drafted. After I threw my cigarette butt on the ground the Drill Sgt. screamed at me "What are you trying to do son? Catch my rocks on fire?" I didn't get my Army Career off to a good start.
Here's the fact
In @Coldworld case he's harping about an old girlfriend as a smoking nazi.

Simple questions asked:
Did she smoke when you met her?
Who dumped who?

I can't even recall your :bsbullf: offered but I'd be glad to review.

Then this illiterate "prophet" of god chimes (@BrownFlush) in and here we are.

My bottom line is:

Any of you busting balls of smokers should look at yourself, you aren't pure, most likely have more despicable things going on than noticable smoking.

I don't drink booze. Period.
Here’s some smoking porn to shut your boomer ass up….


Even went the Virginia slims 120’s you old bastard… your welcome. Sweet dreams pops.


Well-Known Member
Here’s some smoking porn to shut your boomer ass up….

View attachment 371404
Even went the Virginia slims 120’s you old bastard… your welcome. Sweet dreams pops.
Not sure what that was supposed to mean.
My ex-wife smoked, I chewed.
My later girlfriend smoked cigaretts, dope and a nice cigar (very sexy) while we relaxed on the deck.
Everyother woman I dated never complained that I smoked (quit chewing during the divorce) and Penile complaints were never issued.

I sleep well, you are simply a smoking nazi.

Best advice:

If you don't smoke don't approach a smoker however hot she is.

If you don't take that advice, don't run her down when she dumps yurass.

Is that clear for you @BrownFlush as well?


Well-Known Member
Not sure what that was supposed to mean.
My ex-wife smoked, I chewed.
My later girlfriend smoked cigaretts, dope and a nice cigar (very sexy) while we relaxed on the deck.
Everyother woman I dated never complained that I smoked (quit chewing during the divorce) and Penile complaints were never issued.

I sleep well, you are simply a smoking nazi.

Best advice:

If you don't smoke don't approach a smoker however hot she is.

If you don't take that advice, don't run her down when she dumps yurass.

Is that clear for you @BrownFlush as well?
A smoking nazi LOL… GTFO. You’ve been tripping tonite pops…I have friends that smoke and have no issues with it…arguing with random people on the internet… funny as :censored2:…later boomer


Well-Known Member
Not sure what that was supposed to mean.
Called a joke… figure it out dude
My ex-wife smoked, I chewed.
Don’t care boomer
My later girlfriend smoked cigaretts, dope and a nice cigar (very sexy) while we relaxed on the deck.
Again.. DGAF
Everyother woman I dated never complained that I smoked (quit chewing during the divorce) and Penile complaints were never issued.
Really don’t care about your penile status.. we both know you have meds in that medicine cabinet
I sleep well, you are simply a smoking nazi.
Nazi… ummm no… funniest shyt ever…
Best advice:
I Don’t take advice from some random boomer on the internet… barely take it from my own father…
If you don't smoke don't approach a smoker however hot she is.
I’ll approach any woman I damn well feel like approaching..
If you don't take that advice, don't run her down when she dumps yurass.
I dumped her …really none of yfb..
Is that clear for you @BrownFlush as well?
This was fun… should do it again next Saturday night


Well-Known Member
A smoking nazi LOL… GTFO. You’ve been tripping tonite pops…I have friends that smoke and have no issues with it…arguing with random people on the internet… funny as :censored2:…later boomer
Not really tripping, at the p[oint I started responding most every post destroyed smokers. I responded to each post according to what was presented.

You may have friends that smoke and have no issues with it. That is new information.
You're certainly broken because the chick that smoked and was hot AF put your ass on the road.

Her smoking is now the issue?
Not likely, we all know if she didn't dump you you'd be fine if she smoked three packs a day.


Well-Known Member
Called a joke… figure it out dude

Don’t care boomer

Again.. DGAF

Really don’t care about your penile status.. we both know you have meds in that medicine cabinet

Nazi… ummm no… funniest shyt ever…

I Don’t take advice from some random boomer on the internet… barely take it from my own father…

I’ll approach any woman I damn well feel like approaching..

I dumped her …really none of yfb..

This was fun… should do it again next Saturday night
If you pick up a chick that smokes don't bitch (like the sissy you seem to be), when she dumps yurass.
Don't play the, "I couldn't deal with her smoking card."

Chick wasn't into you, she roaded you.
She saw no future with you, next weekend's bone included.

Operational needs

Virescit Vulnere Virtus
Called a joke… figure it out dude

Don’t care boomer

Again.. DGAF

Really don’t care about your penile status.. we both know you have meds in that medicine cabinet

Nazi… ummm no… funniest shyt ever…

I Don’t take advice from some random boomer on the internet… barely take it from my own father…

I’ll approach any woman I damn well feel like approaching..

I dumped her …really none of yfb..

This was fun… should do it again next Saturday night

If you pick up a chick that smokes don't bitch (like the sissy you seem to be), when she dumps yurass.
Don't play the, "I couldn't deal with her smoking card."

Chick wasn't into you, she roaded you.
She saw no future with you, next weekend's bone included.


That’s Craptacular
So an ex-smoker who now finds it unappealing to date someone who smokes is a “smoking Nazi”? That’s some convoluted logic. I have no control over my nose and the signals it sends to my brain when I smell cigarette smoke or that stale tobacco smell that wafts off a smoker’s clothes. It literally turns my stomach and makes me nauseous.