
I'm a star
Here's a thought, instead of smoking three packs a day, how about three cigarettes, and, not every day? Honestly, how can someone actually smoke three packs a day? Ain't nobody got time for that.


That’s Craptacular
That sucks…you were probably pretty excited when you first met…then she says that and it’s like a dagger in the nutt sack… pretty much kills the date dead cold at the exact time she mentions the chewing.
Well a little disappointed at the time yes but what can you do? lol
What's with smokers seemingly unable to responsibly dispose of cigarette butts? They toss it on the ground? Ashtray only a few feet away.
For some reason UPS didn’t have an ashtray or smoker’s pole outside our warehouse. Everyone had to drop the butts on the ground before heading back in. 🤷‍♂️