
Master of Karate and Friendship for Everyone
Back when I worked in the auto industry, smoking seemed to go hand-in-hand with mechanics. It was harder to find a tech who didn't smoke than one who did.


That’s Craptacular
I was up to probably 2 and a half packs a day when I quit. I NEVER thought I could do it and it’s the hardest thing I’ve ever done in my life. Not so much the initial quitting but the idea of not giving in to running to the store and buying a pack when I’d have a horrendous day.


Sorry, but I don’t care anymore.
I was up to probably 2 and a half packs a day when I quit. I NEVER thought I could do it and it’s the hardest thing I’ve ever done in my life. Not so much the initial quitting but the idea of not giving in to running to the store and buying a pack when I’d have a horrendous day.
Almost as hard as the time kicked smack


That’s Craptacular
I had a harder time kicking smack
A friend of mine was hooked on pills for like a decade...eventually turned to heroin. She went thru rehab and she’s been clean for several years now. She quit smoking a few months ago and said it was harder for her to give up cigarettes than opiates. I dunno....other opinions may vary. Luckily I never went down that path.


Sorry, but I don’t care anymore.
A friend of mine was hooked on pills for like a decade...eventually turned to heroin. She went thru rehab and she’s been clean for several years now. She quit smoking a few months ago and said it was harder to give up cigarettes than opiates. I dunno....other opinions may vary. Luckily I never went down that path.
It varies from person to person. If you can stay off cigarettes for 3 days you have good chance. After 2 weeks you probably will make it. With opiates, you’re never out of the woods.


Staff member
It varies from person to person. If you can stay off cigarettes for 3 days you have good chance. After 2 weeks you probably will make it. With opiates, you’re never out of the woods.
I've always heard that kicking nicotine is harder than smack. When I quit smoking it took about a year til I stopped having any cravings, after about 3 years I started to hate cigarette smoke worse than I ever did before and couldn't stand to be around it at all, other ex-smokers have told me they're the same way.


That’s Craptacular
It varies from person to person. If you can stay off cigarettes for 3 days you have good chance. After 2 weeks you probably will make it. With opiates, you’re never out of the woods.
I’m sure. I used to do coke recreationally years ago. For awhile it was just a weekend thing....till you start using it on a Tuesday. I made some bad decisions and ended up losing my job at the time (This was prior to UPS) and getting arrested (not for drugs). A day in jail was enough to scare me into quitting. I haven’t touched it since....but I was very close to getting addicted at the time.


Sorry, but I don’t care anymore.
I've always heard that kicking nicotine is harder than smack. When I quit smoking it took about a year til I stopped having any cravings, after about 3 years I started to hate cigarette smoke worse than I ever did before and couldn't stand to be around it at all, other ex-smokers have told me they're the same way.
The stench really stands out.


Sorry, but I don’t care anymore.
I’m sure. I used to do coke recreationally years ago. For awhile it was just a weekend thing....till you start using it on a Tuesday. I made some bad decisions and ended up losing my job at the time (This was prior to UPS) and getting arrested (not for drugs). A day in jail was enough to scare me into quitting. I haven’t touched it since....but I was very close to getting addicted at the time.
Not hard to do.


That’s Craptacular
I've always heard that kicking nicotine is harder than smack. When I quit smoking it took about a year til I stopped having any cravings, after about 3 years I started to hate cigarette smoke worse than I ever did before and couldn't stand to be around it at all, other ex-smokers have told me they're the same way.
Yup....I can’t stand the smell of smoke anymore. It makes me nauseous.


Sorry, but I don’t care anymore.
When I was arrested (On a bad check warrant) I had 2 grams inside my shoe where I had put it when we got pulled over. I was :censored2:ting a brick the whole ride to the station. The cop finally let me use the bathroom before he took me to jail. I got lucky....never again.
Bad girl. Hmmmm….

quad decade guy

Well-Known Member
I was up to almost 3 packs a day when I quit. Other than putting on about 25 pounds overnight it was the best thing I ever did.
Curious. Why did you think smoking was a good thing? 3 packs a day had to be constant if you do the math...every waking hour/minute. You must have looked like a steam train....

And why did you quit....exactly? And why did it take that long?

I never knew my Mom when she didn't reek of cigarette smoke. All her clothes and the house, car and even her kids(me).


Retired 23 years
1. Smoking wasn't a good thing-It was just a habit.
2. A lot of those almost 3 packs a day cigs went up in smoke while I was making a delivery or pick up.]
3. I knew I had to quit--I was hacking and coughing a lot.]
4. It only took one split second to quit once I made up my mind. Smoked my last one on a Friday night and never touched them again. I did chew the nicotine gum for one prescriptions worth but after that it was cold turkey. It took many years to not "long" for a cigarette in certain circumstances.


That’s Craptacular
Bad girl. Hmmmm….
Ehh it wasn’t as bad as it sounds. My rent check bounced and I moved out of the complex like a week later breaking my lease. When I wrote the check I had enough funds in the account, but it was a joint account with my gf at the time and she had withdrew money before the check cleared. Yes I owed them money but I didn’t know I committed a crime. I didn’t write it with the intent to defraud. But if the bad check is over $150, it’s a felony in Florida, at least it was 20 years ago.
I ended up paying the money owed plus whatever fees and the DA dropped the charge. Now if I hadn’t been able to flush those 2 grams....I would’ve been :censored2:ed.
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Well-Known Member
Yup I can’t date smokers anymore. Couple of years ago before I started dating my current gf, I got setup with a friend of a friend. Really nice woman, very cute, good job, seemed to have her life/crap together. First date we’re at dinner and she mentions that she uses tobacco pouches. Her teeth were surprisingly white but I couldn’t even get involved with that. Just such a nasty habit.
That sucks…you were probably pretty excited when you first met…then she says that and it’s like a dagger in the nutt sack… pretty much kills the date dead cold at the exact time she mentions the chewing.