
Man of Great Wisdom
We have about a dozen package drivers and a dozen feeder drivers in my Hub that made Circle of Honor. Each one of them that I have talked to is very proud to have made it. No, we are not completely perfect drivers in that we may bump something or get a minor scratch. But to go twenty-five years without doing any major damage is a big accomplishment with the type of demanding driving conditions that all of us go through every day. I had a guy behind me in the checkout line at the grocery door mention the patch on my shoulder the other night. He had retired several years ago after earning it, he told me how much it meant to him to finally get it.
It's a big accomplishment but you can have a tier 3 and still achive circle of honor.


Least Best Moderator
Staff member
Mine weren't consecutive, it took me 31 years. We would joke about touch up paint and spare mirrors too. I was going to stick a paintbrush and spare mirror in my back pocket when I got mine, but they did the ceremony one day earlier than I expected.


Well-Known Member
I respect the opinions posted in this thread and some of the accusations made as I too have seen shady cover ups regarding incidences that should have been a chargeable offense.

With that being stated, I can say I've EARNED my safe driving award. But lately I have come to realize the sham of the UPS award protocol. A suit in the Ivory tower that has/will never accomplish this goal sets the standards of how the "Circle of Honor" award is achieved. This suit doesn't have a clue to what WE deal with daily out here in the real world.

You see, after I received the Circle of Honor 25 Award, I bid an Article 22.3 Clerk/Air Driver job. When you change into an "Exception" classification, all forms of recognition from UPS evaporate. I still SAFELY drive a couple hundred miles a night to and from an airport in all types of conditions. But how do my hours and driving conditions differ from the conditions the package/feeder drivers drive in?

I've now passed 30 years of safe driving. My reward is I return home health to my wife every morning. I get a paycheck and benefits. As for UPS, I'll take your Circle of Honor discrimination all the way to the bank. I KNOW WHAT I'VE ACCOMPLISHED.


Happy Verified UPSer
No hate here at all, it's more of an inside joke as I actually first heard the term "Circle of Liars" from a driver with a 25 year patch on his sleeve. Most of those drivers got away with something somewhere along the line but I would never hold it against them, never had a problem shaking their hand and giving a heartfelt congratulations.
the company charged me with an avoidable when I hit a deer one night in my feeder tractor. I argued and argued to no avail. they said I could have done this or that to avoid the deer.

a couple years later I dinged?scratched a mirror and had the shop touch it up and did not report it.

even things out. old school.


FT DR Specialist
Had one guy hit 25 years and one hit 35 years this year. We are fortunate to have many more in our hub. I'm just impressed they made it that long with the company much less safely. This is a job that really does a number on our bodies and is mentally tough at times as well. Sham or not, kudos to our drivers. As a whole, we are the best in the industry and are respected as such.


Well-Known Member
the company charged me with an avoidable when I hit a deer one night in my feeder tractor. I argued and argued to no avail. they said I could have done this or that to avoid the deer.

a couple years later I dinged?scratched a mirror and had the shop touch it up and did not report it.

even things out. old school.

I think Bambi may disagree that things were evened out.


Well-Known Member
Mine weren't consecutive, it took me 31 years. We would joke about touch up paint and spare mirrors too. I was going to stick a paintbrush and spare mirror in my back pocket when I got mine, but they did the ceremony one day earlier than I expected.
I love it. I am a couple of years out. I hope you don't mind if I steal this idea from you? It kind of fits the smartass image I have taken years to perfect.


Least Best Moderator
Staff member
I love it. I am a couple of years out. I hope you don't mind if I steal this idea from you?

By all means do it. I was going to do it as a joke to liven up the PCM. I got mine on a Thursday morning instead of Friday when we are supposed to do employee recognitions. That Thursday was the exact anniversary date, I didn't get the chance to have my family come in. I ordered my shirts one month before, it took them four months to get them due to the OMS ordering them wrong several times. The jacket is nice, the plaque came in the box without a frame on it.


BrownCafe Innovator & King of Puns
Easier to reach the Circle of Honor in Feeders VS Package Car, or vise versa, or perhaps equally difficult?


Well-Known Member
Their previous accidents don't count. It's not consecutive years. They could work 35 years and get the 25 years of safe driving. Just so that you know. Their last 15 years were at 15mph.


Polishing toilet bowls since 1966.
25 but doesn't need to be consecutive years. Misleading but still correct.
It says 25 years accident free. It doesn't say 25 years consecutively accident free. My understanding is that if you have an accident. You will be reversed to the past five year mark you passed, and have to wait a year for you to start accusing another week to the next year.


Happy Verified UPSer
It's the Circle of Liars here.
It's really very sad. When I first started working at UPS I thought I was joining the elite truck drivers of the world. Most drivers of other companies look up to , admire, and envy UPS drivers. Everyone I knew wanted to work here.

It was a sad realization after some time that it wasn't what I saw thru my formally rose colored glasses.

Granted , many many drivers do deserve the recognition of the Circle of Honor award but some do not and they tarnish the award for those who truly earned it.

It's not a large % but enough to put a stain on it.

We are still the best trained and overall the safest drivers on the road.


Staff member
Still, all things considered, is it easier for Feeders to remain accident free?
Yes and No...

Yes, because Feeder drivers are (in most cases) older and wiser, and will not be hurried to go faster and and take chances. The Feeder driver is captain of his ship. Package car drivers are worried about making their "numbers".

No, and you'll realize why when you drive a tractor trailer in the snow, or worse yet, on ice. In a package car you might slide and hit a curb. In a tractor trailer, you're going over that curb.


BrownCafe Innovator & King of Puns
Yes and No...

Yes, because Feeder drivers are (in most cases) older and wiser, and will not be hurried to go faster and and take chances. The Feeder driver is captain of his ship. Package car drivers are worried about making their "numbers".

No, and you'll realize why when you drive a tractor trailer in the snow, or worse yet, on ice. In a package car you might slide and hit a curb. In a tractor trailer, you're going over that curb.
I can't see that chargeable but this is UPS?

Package car is making so many more stops, backing often. Greater odds of accident?

eats packages

Deranged lunatic
It's really very sad. When I first started working at UPS I thought I was joining the elite truck drivers of the world. Most drivers of other companies look up to , admire, and envy UPS drivers. Everyone I knew wanted to work here.

It was a sad realization after some time that it wasn't what I saw thru my formally rose colored glasses.

Granted , many many drivers do deserve the recognition of the Circle of Honor award but some do not and they tarnish the award for those who truly earned it.

It's not a large % but enough to put a stain on it.

We are still the best trained and overall the safest drivers on the road.
I got some good ones while I was a preloader. One day while I was covering the retirees route with another driver I would point to two different spots where he'd bottom out or smack his bumper in someone's driveway to turn around, dozens and dozens of times.


Happy Verified UPSer
I can't see that chargeable but this is UPS?

Package car is making so many more stops, backing often. Greater odds of accident?
yes. to me it seems like a no brainer.

Most feeder runs you make up your set or hook up to trailer and go from point A to point B, back to a door or drop the trailer . Plus , in general feeder drives on highways which statistically is safer than residential or city streets.

very few steps on average compared to a package drivers that has hundreds of acts a day.

I am in awe of a package driver that earns the Circle of Honor.


cap'n crunch
Still, all things considered, is it easier for Feeders to remain accident free?
I believe it is easier to have an avoidable in package, but in feeders you have some big blind spots 60' away from you. When in doubt, I'd get out and look. I retired with 34 years safe driving. Would have been nice to get 35 because it is so rare.