yea a few. you don't get anything for it, besides a patch that reminds you of how many years of your life you've sold to the company. personally I hate accolades, especially crappy ones like most workplaces hand out instead of better pay, so if i was ever close to getting it, i'd probably back over a mailbox on purpose.
So when I made it a few years back, they actually put out a press release that has the names of all the drivers in that state that made it along with the usual “commitment to safety” propaganda that the company includes with it.
The local paper in the town I delivered to put a little one paragraph article about it, which was fine.
The paper in the larger town that my center is located in actually had a reporter call and ask to speak to me. He wanted to ride with me and do a story with pictures for the paper.
My center manager was you want to do it? At first I sort of agreed, but then after thinking about it I didn’t really see the upside!
The thought of regurgitating the company line on safe driving, knowing all of their hypocrisy would have made me throw up in my mouth. I was also worried about giving an honest opinion that might get picked up somewhere else.
So I called the reporter back and declined the offer