Civil War II: How Do You Want It To End?


Just a dog
That’s not what I asked.

What do you want after conservatives win a Second Civil War?

I want a return to a limited federal government.
Changes to the constitution that go further to protect individual liberty.
Repeal of the 16th amendment.
Repeal of the 17th amendment.
I want an amendment abolishing property taxes, and for social and services I want to be taxed state and locally.
That's for starters.


Well-Known Member
We're going to see just how "bogus" those charges are in the months ahead. In the meantime more emotionally stable Americans , the ones who are still confident that the nation's legal justice system will prevail won't spend their entire day with their faces clued to Fox News.
Who's doing that? You?


Staff member
The Republicans won't impeach Trump because the consensus is that these are bogus charges brought for no other reason than keeping Trump out of office.

The Dems aren't protecting democracy, they're making a farce out of it.
For all of the investigations that republicans have run and gotten nothing…

Let’s just say at least the left really does bring substance to their accusations.


Just a dog
I assume to ensure a permanent hold on the Senate by Republicans?
I think the Senate should be composed of people who don't have to pander to voters. I think they should serve as a check to majority expansion and the oppression that comes with it.
“use of the Senate is to consist in its proceeding with more coolness, with more system, and with more wisdom, than the popular branch” - James Madison.


Inordinately Right
For all of the investigations that republicans have run and gotten nothing…

Let’s just say at least the left really does bring substance to their accusations.
"At least" the left is actually going through with a fascist criminal persecution of political opponents?

Ooooookay if that's really what you want to go with homie. SMH.


Staff member
"At least" the left is actually going through with a fascist criminal persecution of political opponents?

Ooooookay if that's really what you want to go with homie. SMH.
Did you not here Trump for years try to get Bill Barr and others to do just that?

One thing we can say from his actions, the Donald truly believes that’s how the game is supposed to be played.


Retired 23 years
For those of you demanding a Second American Civil War: what do you want in the end?

Where do you want the borders?
What do you want changed?
What is your ideal America after you win?

I want a Country where EVERYBODY pays 10 % taxes on their income--EVERYBODY.
I want a Country where welfare is limited to ONLY those who are too old or sick to work qualify and then only on a renewable basis.
I want a Country where .............Oh forget it. It's all a pipe dream. Nothing will ever change -It will only get worse. Like that Mexican guy told Sara Conner--There is a storm coming


Well-Known Member
I want a Country where EVERYBODY pays 10 % taxes on their income--EVERYBODY.
I want a Country where welfare is limited to ONLY those who are too old or sick to work qualify and then only on a renewable basis.
I want a Country where .............Oh forget it. It's all a pipe dream. Nothing will ever change -It will only get worse. Like that Mexican guy told Sara Conner--There is a storm coming

And after the storm….?


Inordinately Right
One thing we can say from his actions, the Donald truly believes that’s how the game is supposed to be played.
His record proves otherwise but don't let facts get in the way of your defense of fascist weaponization of the justice system against your political enemies.


Well-Known Member
Abolish the FBI, CIA, ATF, NSA, DHS, IRS, EPA, Federal Reserve, Department of Energy, and Department of Health, leave NATO, leave the United Nations, end federal income tax, end the Social Security program, end the welfare state, repeal all gun control bills put in place after 1791, end the political party system, and place strict term and age limits on congress and the presidency and well as require regular cognitive tests for them and reduce the pay and cut all additional benefits from the job.
Mighty big agenda you got there. How long will it take to accomplish all that? Looks like about two centuries if you hurry.