Red Rose Tea
Chihuahuas Rule!
Grow up and get back to work..
Grow up and get back to work..
GOP "There will be no cooperation for the rest of the year"
Originally Posted by tourists24
What does it matter if Republicans cooperate or not?.... Democrats can do anything if they really want to and there is nothing the Republicans can do to stop them.
What about the 34 Democrats who voted against the Healthcare bill.......the vote was extremely close to be talking slam dunks for the future for Dems.
not exactly my point though... the title of this thread has to do about the lack of Republican cooperation. Health care came down to a very divisive battle of two parties, and in the end the Dems came together enough. No matter what Republicans do, if the Dems are hellbent on passing something or not then all blame or triumph falls in their lap.Actually not, there's far more diversity among Dem's. There's the Kucinich left liberals, the moderates, and the blue Dogs. Amonst Rep's, if your not joining the far right wing your castigated to burn in hell and die of gonorrhea. And those Rep's who try to lean center or left on certain issues make a peep, but soon cower to the likes of Lindbaugh, Beck, and Palin..the mouthpieces of the GOP...
Grow up and get back to work..
Actually not, there's far more diversity among Dem's. There's the Kucinich left liberals, the moderates, and the blue Dogs. Amonst Rep's, if your not joining the far right wing your castigated to burn in hell and die of gonorrhea. And those Rep's who try to lean center or left on certain issues make a peep, but soon cower to the likes of Lindbaugh, Beck, and Palin..the mouthpieces of the GOP...
Grow up and get back to work..
Actually there was a time when the democrats had a chance to get moderate republicans like Olympia Snow to become invol
ved in the process.
Once the dems decided they were going to ram it through they made absolutely no effort to reach out to the moderate republicans in congress.
You also had 32 democratic defections. Were they the also extremist ring wing going to hell and get gonorrhea members of your side of the fence?
Can we get you to put down the democrat talking points and try thinking for yourself for a change? Your susceptibility to the liberal rhetoric is predictable.
The sad fact is your president promised he would reach across the aisle and he has not only failed to do so but has shown a consistent committment to now circumvent established procedures to do things his way.
in the process he has polarized this country worse then it ever was.
Typical of a far left Liberal reporter from CNN. I guess this guy has brain freeze on Obama promising to be open and reach accross party lines. Gotta love the lefty lap dog media.
This is Obama's leg and the media:
clearly a biased piece of journalism that will be an excellent liner for the kittys litter box.
He admonishes republicans while ingoring serious violations of established procedures generated by the democrats.
Grow up and get back to work
The 32 defections were fiscally conservative and pro-life Blue Dogs most likely from Bible-Belt communities, far from extremist right wing-nuts.
It looks like the bible belt now extends pretty far north.
Once again, this bill (although far from perfect)
that diesel is one of my favorite liberal responses. Why do we pass bills that are "far from perfect?"
These two men (Tie and Lue) sound like pouty kids who lost a game and then take their ball and go home.
Typical of a far left Liberal reporter from CNN. I guess this guy has brain freeze on Obama promising to be open and reach accross party lines. Gotta love the lefty lap dog media.
This is Obama's leg and the media:
These two men (Tie and Lue) sound like pouty kids who lost a game and then take their ball and go home.
Democrats are short for "rats"; Republicans are short for "Can's".
What does it matter if Republicans cooperate or not?.... Democrats can do anything if they really want to and there is nothing the Republicans can do to stop them.