Clarification on Article 15 (Central Supplement)

10 point

Well-Known Member
I felt entitled to eat it. My stomach made me do it.

Actually, we gripe and hold on for dear life to keep the things we and those before us have fought for.

We ARE entitled to that...are we not? To continue to fight for the common workers rights and prosperity?

Yes, we are.

But, we should also look at the level of lifestyle that full timers can afford, the wks of vacations, and having better than average medical coverage.

Thanksgiving is coming up.
We should give thanks.


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Light 'em up!
Under Ron C. administration.

How about now ?

Now package drivers are forced to work and are covered by their supplement on the rate of pay.

But you are correct. Even before last year, the first "normal" workday, volunteers were paid the supplemental rate.

And this was negotiated by the Hoffa administration. There was a time when he did fight hard for us.


Well-Known Member
Just for the sake of addition...
Double check your paycheck the following week.
Make sure that you've been paid correctly.
It's not beside them to conveniently forget to insert the correct pay codes accordingly.

Not sure how someone gets physically forced to work.
One time ago, a Management person here decided that they would come and get you and bring you to work.


Got the T-Shirt
It is a cool picture.
Notice how they used to be held together with a staple in the middle?
Many pages added since.

The 73-76 Central Region contract book is 47 pages total.

Current Master, Central, and Ohio Rider is 247. What a difference.

Sadly the bulk of those added pages deal with substance abuse.

Yep. Sad but true.

Article 35 is (almost ?) verbatim to the language in the Master Freight agreement.

Now package drivers are forced to work and are covered by their supplement on the rate of pay.

But you are correct. Even before last year, the first "normal" workday, volunteers were paid the supplemental rate.

And this was negotiated by the H administration. There was a time when he did fight hard for us.

I'm gonna have to re-read that arbitration decision.

My memory isn't what it used to be. I had forgotten some of those details.

Getting old. :tongue_sm



My Senior Picture
It's not there.

I tried to make that point, last year....

Kind of nullifying that (Article 40) argument.

When did it....appear?

When did Art 40 appear?

The charge to your Paypal account was declined.

Did you want to pay cash ?

Info, isn't cheap. :biggrin:

Would reading it.... Satisfy, your curiosity ?

Even though you are sometimes stingy with your "info", I believe you're just jerking my chain today.

This site aside, because nobody owes anybody anything here; shouldn't elected union officials be transparent and forthright with most if not all "info" with the membership?

You asserted yesterday that I didn't deserve information until I got elected to local union office and that was suffering from feelings of entitlement for pursuing knowledge.

I can't imaging that you really feel that way?


Got the T-Shirt
When did Art 40 appear?

Prior to Ron C.

But, not before 1987.

Even though you are sometimes stingy with your "info", I believe you're just jerking my chain today. I can't imaging that you really feel that way?

I'm not jerking your chain.

More like "coitusing" with you.


There you go.

You have to follow the "progression" of the Article....

Instead, of trying to read a literal interpretation of the first section.

It's the same thing, as I posted last year.

Short of taking cash.... credit card ?? :biggrin:

Prior to Ron C.

But, not before 1987.

I'm not jerking your chain.

More like "coitusing" with you.


There you go.

You have to follow the "progression" of the Article....

Instead, of trying to read a literal interpretation of the first section.

It's the same thing, as I posted last year.

Short of taking cash.... credit card ?? :biggrin:

School is in session.


My Senior Picture
I'm not jerking your chain.

More like "coitusing" with you.
For someone who was once infamous for "coitusing" with me for using big words, you have had me "googling" a bunch of yours?

I like it.
There you go.

You have to follow the "progression" of the Article....

Instead, of trying to read a literal interpretation of the first section.

It's the same thing, as I posted last year.

I kind of felt like I was following the progression, in the fact that there were no other instances offered when we were "required" to work a holiday outside the air operation since 1973 (until now), coupled with the historical timeline of air service delivery that coincided with the inception of the language.

Still can't get past the "shall not be required".
It's "literally" sloppy language.

Short of taking cash.... credit card ?? :biggrin:

I would be proud to buy you a beer or drink of your choice.
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