In a bonus center you get paid for your dispatch, but at straight time for those hours over 8, not at time and a half as if you had stayed out. Perhaps it's different depending on what part of the country you're in. It's A WIN/WIN situation, really, where you can get in early and go see your family while being rewarded extra for the extra effort. The Company can get your car back to the Hub or local sort earlier, which helps them out, save on the time and a half differential versus straight pay, and can even send you out with a dispatch sometimes that would put you over 9.5 (if not for your extra effort) which means they can give a lighter load to someone newer or slower without showing up as "out of range" - under 8 or over 9.5. I don't think it's really possible to run more than 2 hours under allowed on an area usually unless you are being unsafe, recording stops wrong, or there is something wrong with the allowances. Running up your miles does quickly add to your planned time, but can be tracked by the DIAD if someone checks your area trace. I know of almost no one who takes a full hours lunch for the simple reason that most folks would just prefer getting back in a little earlier, and many don't like to just sit anyway, even when broken up into 30/15/15 increments. I just need a Big Gulp, or some tea a few times a day, maybe something quick to eat, and I'm usually good to go. Getting paid for sitting at home is something most people can't even believe we are allowed to do, but they also have no concept of how tough it is to beat the allowances by much, especially by more than an hour. A quick walk pace will gain you a lot of time (as will speeding) but many people then give that time back by sorting through their loads way too much. I learned it's often easier, and takes less time, to just go back if the preloader left one piece in a stupid place than to constantly sort through the load all day long. But that only applies to intown routes, not rural route drivers, and if you have an idiot for a preloader they can force you to have to go back through the load too much. It usually helps to get to know your loader if you can because you can tell them about stuff and you become a person to them- not just a package car. I do not believe in working off the clock at the start up though, even when tempted to. That's my two cents.