Okay, firstly this bitch is going to FORCE every American to pay for health insurance whether they can afford it or not. In other words, you will be criminalized for not having insurance. Secondly, this "health program" is nothing at all like Canada's or Europe's in that only the poor (i.e., the very people who do NOT pay taxes for such social programs yet are always using the social programs) get their insurance for free, courtesy of hard-working, tax-paying, legal Americans. Even the communist nations of the Cold War era had a better health program than what she is proposing. Under the communist regimes you had to GO TO WORK to qualify for socialized medicine. What Clinton wants to do is to reward the people who don't work with free medical/dental care at the expense of the legal American citizens who do work for a living. So, essentially, the people who work for a living get shafted twice - first, they would be forced to pay for health insurance for their entire family under threat of criminal prosecution, and secondly, they would have to pay extra taxes to help pay for the people who don't work at all and the illegal aliens who work under the table and have no verifiable income.
Life's a bitch, don't vote for one.
If you want to socialize medicine, then socialize it for everyone - not just the illegal aliens, those working under the table, those who don't want to work, and welfare collectors.
Life's a bitch, don't vote for one.
If you want to socialize medicine, then socialize it for everyone - not just the illegal aliens, those working under the table, those who don't want to work, and welfare collectors.