Wow you guys have gotten way of topic .Lets stay on topic 47 million people do not have health insurance most are not dead beat or living beyond there means .The health system in the
USA needs major operation.
I see how you guys's ok to invest in Iraq's children at 10/20 billion plus a MONTH but to invest in our American children at 10/20 billon a YEAR is an joke because you don't like Hillary's fat calves....oh yeah, thats a strong argument. You guys remind me of a bunch of college football analysts deciding who's in the top ten at the start of the season!
BTW...It's only and idea under proposal..relax righties.
Oh boy...look, more government giveaways!!
Hillary says every baby born in the United States (I guess that includes anchor babies) should get $5000.00.
WASHINGTON (AP) - Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Rodham Clinton said Friday that every child born in the United States should get a $5,000 "baby bond" from the government to help pay for future costs of college or buying a home.
I hope this is retroactive!!!
Clinton, her party's front-runner in the 2008 race, made the suggestion during a forum hosted by the Congressional Black Caucus.
"I like the idea of giving every baby born in America a $5,000 account that will grow over time, so that when that young person turns 18 if they have finished high school they will be able to access it to go to college or maybe they will be able to make that downpayment on their first home," she said.
The New York senator did not offer any estimate of the total cost of such a program or how she would pay for it. Approximately 4 million babies are born each year in the United States.
A... That would be 20 billion a year..I know we can just raise taxes for the middle class and make sure all the poor, illegal and lazy parents of babies get their fair share!!
Clinton said such an account program would help people get back to the tradition of savings that she remembers as a child, and has become harder to accomplish in the face of rising college and housing costs.
Gee..I thought it was harder back in the old days when our parents and grandparents had to walk 20 miles in the snow in bare feet just to get to school...
One way of building a stronger economy, she said, is "more savings, starting with the so-called baby bonds idea where every person born in this country would be given that kind of account because we want to make an investment in America's young people."
She argued that wealthy people "get to have all kinds of tax incentives to save, but most people can't afford to do that."
The proposal was met with enthusiastic applause at an event aimed to encourage young people to excel and engage in politics.
"I think it's a wonderful idea," said Rep. Stephanie Tubbs Jones, an Ohio Democrat who attended the event and has already endorsed Clinton. "Every child born in the United States today owes $27,000 on the national debt, why not let them come get $5,000 to grow until their 18?"
Blake Zeff, a spokesman for the senator's campaign, said a baby bonds program "is not a firm policy proposal but an idea under consideration."
Britain launched a similar program in January 2005, handing out vouchers worth hundreds of dollars each to parents with children born after Sept. 1, 2002.
After hearing about this I ran out to the store and got some fertiltiy drugs...I'm hoping for sextuplets...A cool $30k...Yeah babies!!
My God and this woman is running for president, What's cars??
Hillary's an idiot with this plan
[evil]Plus she has fat calves[/evil]
av8torntn said:You want to take away that chance by raising taxes and keeping people dependent on the government with these insane social programs. These insanely high tax rates you guys want do not harm the rich they have already made their money.
The reason Dem's raise taxes is to help fix the nation's tremendous deficit we always face after the GOP loses control of power. It's been that way since Franklin Roosevelt was elected in 1932 where the gov't had to step in and bail out this country from the free market and big business having to much power substaintially adding to the great depression. Where as raising taxes on corporate profits and regulations and social activities tend to remedy the irresponsibility of unregulated Gov't , banking, and free trade. I don't want to have to suffer what the folks in the 1930's experienced and I don't want my Soc Sec. and medicare to run out by the time I retire because irresponsible people support irresponsible Gov't to live for today and not worry about their future or their children's future.
moreluck's the mass migration that an offer like that will bring.....We have enough aliens here. Now, with Hillary's idea, every prego. in Mex. will hustle across the border so their kid can collect the $5000.
It's a ridiculous idea. It's up to parents to put aside $ for kids for's not the government"s job to spend MY money that way.
Moreluck, why jump the gun and assume all hell is breaking loose. This was just an idea, No stipulations or qualifications have been laid out. Yes, border control has to be addressed, and I don't think illegal's children should benefit from this also....Btw..I thought Prego was a jar marinara sauce, if anything wouldn't your Imus like statement be more fit to insult Italians?'s not the Gov'ts job to spend MY money in Iraq .
Hey Braze, I'm excited to have you back posting again. Missed you. Anyhow.... Hmmmmm..... quote, "fertilty drugs.....I'm hoping for sextuplets". Curious, you wouldn't happen to know... a Donor. We could have alot of fun. LOL I just couldn't pass that up. All in fun. Love ya, Area 43.
Poor diesel so we are now not to believe the democratic candidates when they say they want to raise our taxes to pay for more social programs. Somehow you can now read their minds and you can tell they are all liars. That should be a good enough reason for you to not support them.
It is people like you that I feel are a big problem with our country. You say you want to rely on the government for social security and Medicare. I say let me plan for my own retirement. All you are doing is taking away opportunity from generations down the road by leaving them with your retirement and medical bills. I am willing to continue paying into social security to pay for the people living off me right now and not take any benefits from it as long as my children do not have to pay into it. I am an adult I do not need the government to "save" for my retirement or medical care. I know you feel helpless but if you try to do something for yourself you may be surprised what you can accomplish. Everyone wants something for nothing but the world does not work that way. I still say if you want insurance go buy it or find a job that will give it to you as part of your compensation. I work hard for my money and I choose not to provide your health care.
Just wanted to point out that your health insurance and your (quite high) hourly wage has been procured for you by a labor union, which is anathema to most free market purists. The whole concept of labor unions (working people banding together to get a fair shake from the capitalist business magnates who believe that labor(you) is a commodity to be purchased at the lowest price possible) is based in socialism and marxism.Or better yet let me opt out of your Marxist programs all together.
Since my share is so small and you are so great why do you not pay my share? Or better yet let me opt out of your Marxist programs all together. It is great to know you cannot answer any questions just change your topic every time someone confronts you as normal. You can be a leech on society and live off the government (that would be myself and other taxpayers) I will let the free market reward me for my contributions or whatever you are rambling about now. You still have not come up with any responsible reason for the government to pay for your health care. Since you are so well off why is it to much to ask that you pay your own way?
It's not that I cannot answer your questions or change topics, it's just my previous answers, opinions, and posts are not what you want to hear, it's called selective hearing.
BTW...the free market doesn't give a crap about you or me, It's the Corperate Moguls and Shareholders that practically run this country.
And what in the world is this depression you are talking about? This economy has survived 9-11, worldcom, enron, two wars all with a fairly low tax rate very low unemployment rate and record home ownership. If we are in a depression I like it. Walk through a UPS hub one night and look at all the packages every where. Kind of hard to believe an economy in or near a depression can produce this kind of activity but since you are in North Korea where they do not even have electricity at night I can see how you may be depressed.
We are also facing record home foreclosure rates, the financial guru's have sold a record number of attractive ARM low interest rates and now people are feeling the effect of their Mortgages skyrocketing to the point of foreclosure. The free market at it's best....really looking out for you and me...not
What is this regime that you claim that I support? Is it the United States of America? Yes I happen to believe that I live in the best country in the world. I have not been to every country but I have been to many and I support this one. What regime do you support? Cuba, Venezuela, North Korea ,France I think it is great we can feed, cloth, and protect the world. Sleep well tonight knowing there are men out there protecting your freedom or trying to free you from your regime. Oh by the way it is your beloved democratic regime that funds the war effort. And this certain degree of social programs we need is none.
I think I would take a free market. You can take socialism.