Hi folks
I have this really good friend at work who suffers from ED. (no, it isn’t
me you silly-dillies, I have NO problems in that department, believe me).He is at his wit’s end and his wife is threatening to leave him soon if he can’t find a solution but quick.
It’s not so much that he minds losing her of course, it’s just that she’s going to take everything he’s got. Everything that’s near and dear to me.

And to make matters worse, she’s going to tell all of his friends about his “little problem” -including those of the female persuasion. Oh, the humiliation. I don’t think I could bear it

... er....I mean I couldn’t possibly bear seeing
him mentally tormented like that.
She’s a ruthless, heartless beeyotch I’m telling ya (well I mean that’s what he tells me of course) So I was just kinda wondering if perhaps any of you fine folks here possibly have any suggestions that might help m....um,
him out???
Please hurry with your replies. My friend (who is unaware of this forum) is counting on you.