Company Is Scared When They Start Offering To Purchase A Yes Vote!


Annoy a liberal today. Hit them with facts.
And we now agree on something. Don't believe that BC is the majority. Remember how many said sandy pope would be the IBT prez? LMFAO!!!

You shouldn't compare apples to oranges. One is a popularity contest and the other is our livelihood.


Well-Known Member
Are local (177) is asking a 30 cent contribution for each year out of are raises to go into are pension. The company is butting in $1.20 a year. We only have to put in 20%. It's a yes vote for me. The master is a no vote.

That 30 cents each year is going to come out of wages. The pension is supposed to increase so not really a bad deal......but, and this is a VERY BIG BUT....... What's happening to the 45 cents an hour for any overtime????????
Nothing, the company isn't going to pay it out and we aren't going to get it in the pension or anyplace else. Yeah 45 cents an hour isn't too much but....$.45 x 5hrs OT X 52 weeks a year = $117.00 X 2000 drivers = $234,000 a year the FIRST year.
Add another 45 cents the second year x 5hrs OT X 52 x2000 drivers is $468,000 the company saves the second year, and so on 45 cents OT every year equals $702,000 year 3, $936,000 year 4, $1,170,000 in the 5th year. $2,457000 over the life of the contract.
That's figuring a conservative 5 hrs overtime a week and a conservative 2000 drivers.
This is supposed to be by a special vote after, and if the TA and supplement are approved. None of this seems to be in writing though.

I don't object to more money going into the pension if it gets its out of the "critical" zone or whatever. The company only contributes to the pension for the first 40 paid hours. So the 45 cents is staying in their pockets. If it went to the pension fund, not necessarily credited to the individual but to the general fund I'd like the deal a little more.

I believe we have much more than 2000 drivers and most work more than 5 hrs OT on average a year....
This sounds like more of a "win" for the company. The details are not on the locals website or in the tentative supplemental agreement.
That 30 cents each year is going to come out of wages. The pension is supposed to increase so not really a bad deal......but, and this is a VERY BIG BUT....... What's happening to the 45 cents an hour for any overtime????????
Nothing, the company isn't going to pay it out and we aren't going to get it in the pension or anyplace else. Yeah 45 cents an hour isn't too much but....$.45 x 5hrs OT X 52 weeks a year = $117.00 X 2000 drivers = $234,000 a year the FIRST year.
Add another 45 cents the second year x 5hrs OT X 52 x2000 drivers is $468,000 the company saves the second year, and so on 45 cents OT every year equals $702,000 year 3, $936,000 year 4, $1,170,000 in the 5th year. $2,457000 over the life of the contract.
That's figuring a conservative 5 hrs overtime a week and a conservative 2000 drivers.
This is supposed to be by a special vote after, and if the TA and supplement are approved. None of this seems to be in writing though.

I don't object to more money going into the pension if it gets its out of the "critical" zone or whatever. The company only contributes to the pension for the first 40 paid hours. So the 45 cents is staying in their pockets. If it went to the pension fund, not necessarily credited to the individual but to the general fund I'd like the deal a little more.

I believe we have much more than 2000 drivers and most work more than 5 hrs OT on average a year....
This sounds like more of a "win" for the company. The details are not on the locals website or in the tentative supplemental agreement.
I feel you bro. When we get out of this pension rehab. It can help the battle to maybe get OT in he pension.

balland chain

Well-Known Member
Why is it that we can not get the big picture and see that the company, by giving a bonus to a select few, shows how little they care about the rest of the par timers..
And as brothers and sisters, we should see this, and say hell no ! How is this right ? Why would the union allow this bias ? If part timers at one local get a bonus, ALL part timers should get a bonus & why is it limited to part timers ? I have voted NO on both TA & Supplemental. due to the changes made for injured workers, and the fact that you can not retire after 25 years with insurance.. The contracts get worse and worse each time..


Well-Known Member
this is a union membership dont let that bonus make you vote for the first offer the next one may have more perks always vote no on first offer!


my wife had a dream last night that her father ( died in 98 ) told her that the master contract was gonna pass. her dreams with her father are always right. I voted no but I believe her dreams. oh-well.