golden ticket member
If people home schooled like the Duggers, then I would be OK with that. But if all you are doing is plopping your kid in front of the computer.....they'd be better off at school with some interaction. Besides, every kid should experience cafeteria food !Home schooling has both pros and cons. Students being home schooled still have to follow the same curriculum and take the same standardized tests but they have the advantage of a much lower student/teacher ratio. In some districts the students are allowed to participate in extra curricular activities offered by the school that they would be attending but, as Klein said, they lose out on developing the social skills which they will need upon graduation.
I have one customer who used to home school their children. The kids are now in public schools and the parents are happy that they made the change. The only downside is they have picked up a few words that they probably wouldn't have learned if still home schooled.
Speaking of schools--I deliver to three of them, one of them being a high school, and I can tell you that dress code and silent order seem to have gone out the window.