Comparing 2 Important Gov't Institutions


golden ticket member
Home schooling has both pros and cons. Students being home schooled still have to follow the same curriculum and take the same standardized tests but they have the advantage of a much lower student/teacher ratio. In some districts the students are allowed to participate in extra curricular activities offered by the school that they would be attending but, as Klein said, they lose out on developing the social skills which they will need upon graduation.

I have one customer who used to home school their children. The kids are now in public schools and the parents are happy that they made the change. The only downside is they have picked up a few words that they probably wouldn't have learned if still home schooled.

Speaking of schools--I deliver to three of them, one of them being a high school, and I can tell you that dress code and silent order seem to have gone out the window.
If people home schooled like the Duggers, then I would be OK with that. But if all you are doing is plopping your kid in front of the computer.....they'd be better off at school with some interaction. Besides, every kid should experience cafeteria food !


golden ticket member
The dress code!! Makenzie gets upset with me because I refuse to dress her like a, well, uhmm, you know.
Her other grandmother had no problem, as she dresses that way. Thank God, she moved to Florida for the winter. Her unemployment ran out here. Gone to mooch somewhere else, I guess.
It's "hootchie-mama" clothes. I have a 17 yr. old granddaughter and I always buy her Tee shirts (x-large) for coverage!!


bella amicizia
If people home schooled like the Duggers, then I would be OK with that. But if all you are doing is plopping your kid in front of the computer.....they'd be better off at school with some interaction. Besides, every kid should experience cafeteria food !
Pizza Thursday's!!! General Brown had the best pizza. Sicilian style. 3 inches of cheese. Greasy. God, it was good.
If kids aren't already getting fat, can you imagine them just staying at home all day long ?

A very small % of the kids getting fat are active in anything, at school or home. The home schooled kids that I personally know aren't allowed to set around on their butts and ram food down their gullets all day long. Most home schooled kids do or should have physical activities just as the one's at the public or private schools.


golden ticket member
Pizza Thursday's!!! General Brown had the best pizza. Sicilian style. 3 inches of cheese. Greasy. God, it was good.
We had something like a Johnny Marzetti that I have tried to replicate at home and can't quite get it to taste the same.......all the cafeteria ladies from my era are gone now.

3 done 3 to go

In control of own destiny
My 17 and 14 yr old boys are baseball players. They are already being scouted by colleges. They are not allowed to play on the local high school team. I say it's their loss. If they are ment to be pro ball players. They will get noticed. They have also done fencing, CYO basketball. They don't sit around all day. They have chores and other things that will be done.
As i said earlier- Its up to the parents to make their kids social. I do know some families who are sheltered. More than normal. I see the kids are scared to death of the outside world. They are a mold of the parents. As for our kids if they see you they will extend a hand to say hello


Strength through joy
Home school kids are better well behaved in social settings then most of my grand nephews of the same age.
The grand nephews are always fighting and do not care what is going on around them.
One of the grandfathers is currently selling his nice boat with a cabin , he is looking for a more open style boat to keep the horseplay down.
The home school kids are always on their best behavior , because they have learned that if they wish to be invited back they have to prove themselves to be nice.
This thread has kind of slid into part of the answer why so many of the youths of our country are in trouble, IMO. Some of today's parents leave nearly every aspect of raising a child to the school systems. In some cases it's like the parents have the kids home for a sleep over every night but want the schools to teach them to be decent human beings. Unfortunately the kids end up learning bad behavior from the mob rule of their peers. One prime example is the "trust fund baby" from the OWS thread.
My 17 and 14 yr old boys are baseball players. They are already being scouted by colleges. They are not allowed to play on the local high school team. I say it's their loss. If they are ment to be pro ball players. They will get noticed. They have also done fencing, CYO basketball. They don't sit around all day. They have chores and other things that will be done.
As i said earlier- Its up to the parents to make their kids social. I do know some families who are sheltered. More than normal. I see the kids are scared to death of the outside world. They are a mold of the parents. As for our kids if they see you they will extend a hand to say hello

Do y'all belong to one of those organizations that provide support, info and curriculum for home schooled kids? I've read that some are even getting involved with various UIL competitions across the country and compete with traditional schools. I think some of the ISDs in this area allow HS kids play on their sports teams as well.
My hat is off to you and your spouse for taking the responsibility of your children's education.

3 done 3 to go

In control of own destiny
No support group. Curriculum is just reading, writing and Math. Olders go to a GED book. Younger kids are using Bob Jones. Being in NY they are not allowed to play for a HS. Teachers union too strong. But, we are looking to a Christian school where they can be home and play ball for them.
They are also with travel baseball. Played nearly 100 games this year. Over for year now as we got snow yesterday.

thanks trplnkl


bella amicizia
That damed teacher's union isn't a real union. They are a bunch of bullies who rob NYS citizens of tax dollars and rob our youth of the best possible education. Why a home-schooled kid can't play for the school which his parents pay outrageous tax to is ridiculous. You are paying for those programs. You should have the right to have your children avail themselves of those programs.


Strength through joy
Be thank full that you do not reside in Ca. , they require parents to have a teaching degree if they wish to home school their children.
Be thank full that you do not reside in Ca. , they require parents to have a teaching degree if they wish to home school their children.

Like a degree makes a person qualified to teach. One more reason I'm glad I don't live in Californication .
The first year my Ex taught she remarked many times that her university education actually did very little to prepare her to be a teacher. She said that the time she spent as a student teacher (required in Texas) did her more good than all the years spent in the classroom.


Strength through joy
How true.
There is a very high % of first year teachers who op-out.
Those that I have known quickly head back towards business schools.