Well-Known Member
Flags are nothing more than gang colors. War nothing more than 2 gangs settling a dispute over turf and who will control it.
Pretty sure we don't control the land in Germany and Japan.....

But I get your point.
Flags are nothing more than gang colors. War nothing more than 2 gangs settling a dispute over turf and who will control it.
Pretty sure we don't control the land in Germany and Japan.....
But I get your point.
Turf isn't land. Land is obsolete when it comes to power. Banking and monetary means are where the real power lay.
But I get your point!
Pretty sure turf is land. You can change what you said if you want. Known a lot of gangs. It was the turf they wanted and defended.
The Rebel Flag obviously means one thing to certain whites and another to other whites. The flag shouldn't be banned or hidden because of the negative views of others. And another thing.....why now? Because a kid that went bonkers uses it the wrong way? Mass shootings in this country typically happen in gun free zones. It's gun free zones that should be banned. Not flags.
Fine. Brazil is a better place for it than the USA.
Fine. Brazil is a better place for it than the USA.
The Mother Emmanuel murders are not about guns, they are about race. Why do you interject guns into a discussion about the backlash of the Mother Emmanuel murders? He was a legal gun owner, and he wasn't a kid, he was a terrorist.
The flag represents one thing, no matter the excuses made by revisionists. Put in in your home, just don't fly it on public grounds.
Yes, and it was a short article.You're a fast reader.
It is the anti rebel flag whackos that have interjected something into the equation. Not me. The flag issue was virtually dead until the shooting. That means you people think that the flag had anything to do with the murders. It didn't. And even if it did then that's on him. Everyone else that supports the flag for what it really is shouldn't suffer the consequences.
You don't have the right to define something for everyone else. Get off of your high horse and go read a history book that wasn't written by liberals.
"anti rebel flag whackos"? You mean anyone opposed to the idea of slavery?
"supports the flag for what it really is"? A symbol of white superiority?
"read a history book that wasn't written by liberals"? Can you recommend one?
...Everyone else that supports the flag for what it really is shouldn't suffer the consequences...