Congress May Spend More On The Benghazi Panel Than On The Veterans Affairs Committee


Well-Known Member
I came on to ask a company related question and after nearly 16 years of Bush and Obama (and you can even go back to Big Willy and Daddy Bush) this forum and the opinions are like any other when it comes to political issues.... boring, thoughtless, predictable, and most importantly, plays right into the hands of those that wish to subjugate each and every one of us and are succeeding at an ever increasingly faster rate.

And I hate getting sucked into it. However, I feel compelled.

I'm going to skip Bush bashing because its nothing more than a cliche now and if anything is beating a dead horse it is that.

We have a real problem when our government led by the President is openly funding and arming our enemies.
Mexican & South American drug cartels
Terrorists groups including Al Queda in Iraq Syria Egypt Libya and Muslim Brotherhood.

Ignores any law he wishes to suit his political needs including his own laws he champions.
Chooses to ignore immigration laws in fact openly encouraged it.
Without Congress making changes to the ACA Obama all by himself grants waivers and exemptions to whom he sees fit. (BTW all UPSers should get their fill of their healthcare now because by the time the next contract comes around we won't have it anymore).
Using the IRS to target private citizens that donate to political opponents or wish to form groups ideologically opposed to you is something that is done in places like Venezuela or other dictatorships. Nixon thought about doing this, Obama has done it extensively.
Launching a war in Lybia without Congressional approval.

All of these can be considered impeachable offenses and any 1 of them is easily proven and there are several others I haven't even mentioned.

The one thing that makes absolutely clear where Obama stands and who "his people" are is now plain and obvious and ought to make every American think twice about him. While Obama, the 1st black President presides over the absolute worst employment record for black people in decades, poverty, hunger, he waves in illegal aliens by the hundreds of thousands.

Hes always been anti colonial, perhaps he views black people the same way as he views white people in this regard. Probably why he is such a staunch abortion supporter even to the point of making sure babies are killed even after they survive an abortion, and are outside of the womb and even worse, appointing Cas Sunstein a man who believes children can be aborted up until 2 years of age because they aren't human yet to the head regulater position. Black people disproportionately have a higher rate of abortion.

Well I think I'm done with this rant now. The kind of corruption, cronyism, and downright abuse is because 80% of the country stands by their side regardless of how distasteful they are and the other 20% described as independents or swing voters (people who say they vote for the person not the party) are too stupid gullible retarded and uninformed and fall for anything because they believe in nothing.

The founding fathers gave us a recipe for liberty and prosperity and we have squandered it all and then some.

If anyone is offended by anything I have said I am sorry you are offended. None was intended. I only wish to point out we deserve the government we get and we keep demanding crooks hustlers swindlers liars and thugs.


Well-Known Member
I came on to ask a company related question and after nearly 16 years of Bush and Obama (and you can even go back to Big Willy and Daddy Bush) this forum and the opinions are like any other when it comes to political issues.... boring, thoughtless, predictable, and most importantly, plays right into the hands of those that wish to subjugate each and every one of us and are succeeding at an ever increasingly faster rate.

And I hate getting sucked into it. However, I feel compelled.

I'm going to skip Bush bashing because its nothing more than a cliche now and if anything is beating a dead horse it is that.

We have a real problem when our government led by the President is openly funding and arming our enemies.
Mexican & South American drug cartels
Terrorists groups including Al Queda in Iraq Syria Egypt Libya and Muslim Brotherhood.

Ignores any law he wishes to suit his political needs including his own laws he champions.
Chooses to ignore immigration laws in fact openly encouraged it.
Without Congress making changes to the ACA Obama all by himself grants waivers and exemptions to whom he sees fit. (BTW all UPSers should get their fill of their healthcare now because by the time the next contract comes around we won't have it anymore).
Using the IRS to target private citizens that donate to political opponents or wish to form groups ideologically opposed to you is something that is done in places like Venezuela or other dictatorships. Nixon thought about doing this, Obama has done it extensively.
Launching a war in Lybia without Congressional approval.

All of these can be considered impeachable offenses and any 1 of them is easily proven and there are several others I haven't even mentioned.

The one thing that makes absolutely clear where Obama stands and who "his people" are is now plain and obvious and ought to make every American think twice about him. While Obama, the 1st black President presides over the absolute worst employment record for black people in decades, poverty, hunger, he waves in illegal aliens by the hundreds of thousands.

Hes always been anti colonial, perhaps he views black people the same way as he views white people in this regard. Probably why he is such a staunch abortion supporter even to the point of making sure babies are killed even after they survive an abortion, and are outside of the womb and even worse, appointing Cas Sunstein a man who believes children can be aborted up until 2 years of age because they aren't human yet to the head regulater position. Black people disproportionately have a higher rate of abortion.

Well I think I'm done with this rant now. The kind of corruption, cronyism, and downright abuse is because 80% of the country stands by their side regardless of how distasteful they are and the other 20% described as independents or swing voters (people who say they vote for the person not the party) are too stupid gullible retarded and uninformed and fall for anything because they believe in nothing.

The founding fathers gave us a recipe for liberty and prosperity and we have squandered it all and then some.

If anyone is offended by anything I have said I am sorry you are offended. None was intended. I only wish to point out we deserve the government we get and we keep demanding crooks hustlers swindlers liars and thugs.
Right on, brother. You should post more often.

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Inordinately Right
At least we know where you stand.
Where I stand is they had no business being there in the first place, same with all the other military and CIA people in the middle east. If you think they were just there for diplomatic purposes then you haven't been paying attention. Gun running is a dangerous business, these things happen.


nowhere special
Where I stand is they had no business being there in the first place, same with all the other military and CIA people in the middle east. If you think they were just there for diplomatic purposes then you haven't been paying attention. Gun running is a dangerous business, these things happen.

Who ordered those people there and who were they running guns to? And whose idea was it in the first place?


Well-Known Member
Where I stand is they had no business being there in the first place, same with all the other military and CIA people in the middle east. If you think they were just there for diplomatic purposes then you haven't been paying attention. Gun running is a dangerous business, these things happen.
They were there to run guns and weapons to Lybian and Syrian Al Queda rebels. And no it was and is in our interest to leave Mumbarek Qaddaffi and Assadd in power.

All we did in Egypt Syria Lybia and now Iraq by leaving too soon is create a power vacuum and chaos.


nowhere special
Do you agree they shouldn't have been there or not?

I don't think they should have been arming terrorists, no but since the US government sent them there they had the responsibility to support and protect them. Even though it may have embarrassed the administration. The lies and cover up is the real issue here. 4 deaths were tragic but tragedies do happen. Similar to the cover up that got Nixon, not the wiretapping. Its a fundamental question of honesty and trust - or the lack of it.


Inordinately Right
I don't think they should have been arming terrorists, no but since the US government sent them there they had the responsibility to support and protect them. Even though it may have embarrassed the administration. The lies and cover up is the real issue here. 4 deaths were tragic but tragedies do happen. Similar to the cover up that got Nixon, not the wiretapping. Its a fundamental question of honesty and trust - or the lack of it.
.... and that dishonesty transverses party lines. This is the way our government does things, I honestly doubt it will ever change.


Well-Known Member
.... and that dishonesty transverses party lines. This is the way our government does things, I honestly doubt it will ever change.

The crimes committed in Benghazy are the arming of terrorists and when they attacked the embassy they ignored the calls for help from the embassy, ordered nearby response teams to stand down and ordered them not to help while they watch them get attacked and killed for hours via drone, finally blaming the attack on a protest because of an obscure video criticizing Islam no one saw. Luckily there were some marines or seals nearby at a CIA post that knew better and disobeyed the stand down order and rushed in to help. Its too bad those in command of rapid response teams also did not disobey the stand down order and went in to help.

The truly saddest part of it all was that one marine died holding a laser designator because he thought for sure air support was inbound hot to fry those yak eating SOBs. Someone told them help was on the way. No one told them it was canceled.

Obama should have resigned after this and if he refused Congress should have defunded and impeached him. This was a gross violation and derilliction that no other President in history has ever remotely even come close to doing the same thing.

You don't leave Americans under fire outnumbered and cutoff anywhere in the world and ignore their pleas for help and watch them die via satellite when they could have easily been saved.

For this alone he has no business being elected to dog catcher let alone President.


Well-Known Member
Where I stand is they had no business being there in the first place, same with all the other military and CIA people in the middle east. If you think they were just there for diplomatic purposes then you haven't been paying attention. Gun running is a dangerous business, these things happen.

So when you posted "only 4" "that was a good day" that's what you really meant to post? You're not serious of course.


Inordinately Right
The truly saddest part of it all was that one marine died holding a laser designator because he thought for sure air support was inbound hot to fry those yak eating SOBs. Someone told them help was on the way. No one told them it was canceled.
You don't leave Americans under fire outnumbered and cutoff anywhere in the world and ignore their pleas for help and watch them die via satellite when they could have easily been saved.
You've seen one too many movies....


Well-Known Member
You've seen one too many movies....

I assume you dispute the laser designator.

Since for some reason I can't copy and paste one of several links to stories from my phone, including the marines father who said his son painted the mortars with the laser. He would not have exposed himself unless he thought air support was inbound.

Go ahead google benghazy attack and laser designator. If you want I will post enough links to make your eyeballs bleed when I get to my pc.

Of course all this could be cleared up if Obama and his gang of thugs would tell us what happened and stop lying about a stupid video no one saw.

I can only assume the people you vote for can do know wrong. I bet if George Bush was President and this happened, you would be agreeing 100%.

Being a blind follower will do no one any good, except those that wish to subjugate both of us.


Well-Known Member
The crimes committed in Benghazy are the arming of terrorists and when they attacked the embassy they ignored the calls for help from the embassy, ordered nearby response teams to stand down and ordered them not to help while they watch them get attacked and killed for hours via drone, finally blaming the attack on a protest because of an obscure video criticizing Islam no one saw. Luckily there were some marines or seals nearby at a CIA post that knew better and disobeyed the stand down order and rushed in to help. Its too bad those in command of rapid response teams also did not disobey the stand down order and went in to help.

The truly saddest part of it all was that one marine died holding a laser designator because he thought for sure air support was inbound hot to fry those yak eating SOBs. Someone told them help was on the way. No one told them it was canceled.

Obama should have resigned after this and if he refused Congress should have defunded and impeached him. This was a gross violation and derilliction that no other President in history has ever remotely even come close to doing the same thing.

You don't leave Americans under fire outnumbered and cutoff anywhere in the world and ignore their pleas for help and watch them die via satellite when they could have easily been saved.

For this alone he has no business being elected to dog catcher let alone President.
It was a retired navy seal on loan to the CIA. Did he paint the mortars, probably. Were their air assets above? At least one unarmed drone. Trey Gowdy will get all the answers.

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Staff member
I assume you dispute the laser designator.

Since for some reason I can't copy and paste one of several links to stories from my phone, including the marines father who said his son painted the mortars with the laser. He would not have exposed himself unless he thought air support was inbound.

Go ahead google benghazy attack and laser designator. If you want I will post enough links to make your eyeballs bleed when I get to my pc.

Of course all this could be cleared up if Obama and his gang of thugs would tell us what happened and stop lying about a stupid video no one saw.

I can only assume the people you vote for can do know wrong. I bet if George Bush was President and this happened, you would be agreeing 100%.

Being a blind follower will do no one any good, except those that wish to subjugate both of us.
You say there was a marine killed in the Benghazi attack?