Inordinately Right
The father was there? How'd the father get out alive? It is confirmed that they had laser guidance CAPABILITIES. Makes for a good story on Fox News though doesn't it? What I find sad is them using a grieving father for the ratings.I assume you dispute the laser designator.
Since for some reason I can't copy and paste one of several links to stories from my phone, including the marines father who said his son painted the mortars with the laser. He would not have exposed himself unless he thought air support was inbound.
"The CIA told the Washington Post’s David Ignatius that “the rooftop defenders never ‘laser the mortars’ as has been reported,” a reference to an earlier Fox News report. The CIA added the “defenders have focused their laser sights earlier on several Libyan attackers, as warnings not to fire.”
You know what they say about assuming....I can only assume the people you vote for can do know wrong. I bet if George Bush was President and this happened, you would be agreeing 100%.