

golden ticket member
Why should YOU be so special. As a senior, you should PAY 100% of your healthcare costs without goverment assistance. Once your husbands coverage runs out, you should shoulder the burden of healthcare 100% on your own.

While your at it, you should send back your social security check to the goverment and include a note saying "please use this check to pay down the debts incurred by the republican party"

Then you would be a true conservative.

Start a trend.

For the 10th time now......we have no UPS med. coverage. We pay for our own health ins. ($1577 a month). Since the year 2000. That's why when I see union people want to go on strike for having to pay $36 a month toward their health care (grocery workers) I have absolutely no sympathy for them!!!

The government pays ZERO of my healthcare!! The Social Security money is the money I put into it..........if the gooberment raided & spent from it, that's not my fault.

I've explained this many times before.....don't you retain anything in that Peace-sized brain????

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll

GEE a foxed spews writer claiming victory for BOEHNER despite the facts.

What a joke moreluck, BOEHNER will be lucky if the republican establishment doesnt throw him out and we can see him crying again!



Bad Gas!

Well-Known Member
TOS... keep reding your liberal rags and wetting your bed..The gov will pay for it..Obama is the best President we have ever had...LOL

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
TOS... keep reding your liberal rags and wetting your bed..The gov will pay for it..Obama is the best President we have ever had...LOL

You bet your sweet ash he is! OBAMA wins in 2012 and the dems will win again in 2016! Might as well get your tears out early!



golden ticket member
The chair of the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee thinks Democrats will retake the House, claiming to have a "breeze at our backs." Yeah, the eye of a hurricane fools a lot of people.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
The chair of the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee thinks Democrats will retake the House, claiming to have a "breeze at our backs." Yeah, the eye of a hurricane fools a lot of people.

With the house GOP leadership polling at 10% ( the lowest in history) and the track record of being the party of NO, americans may just give the house back to the democrats in november.

What has the GOP done for americans since taking office? Name a bill that would have helped americans that was passed and signed by the president?

When you are polling at 10% approval rating, you dont have a great chance of holding power. Just last week with the BLOUNT amendment, it shows how kooky the GOP leadershp is.

A waste of a week in useless debates and then the GOP REFUSES TO ALLOW any women to speak on the hill and the democrats call a special hearing to allow sandra fluke to speak and RUSH limbaugh calls her a prostitute and a slut and that planted thought is repeated here as fact.

This will hurt the GOP for months! And if RUSH cant keep his mouth shut , he will make it worse for those in the HOUSE who support limbaugh and wont denounce him.

You can laugh all you want, but with a 10% approval rating, we will have the last laugh.




Staff member
If you do wrong, you will be investigated.....unless you are Maxine Waters..........

Congressional Black Caucus: House Ethics Investigations Against Our Members Are Racist…
I don't get it. If they did something wrong, investigate them. Why are people like moreluck, island, brett, Baba and the right-wing of this country so sensitive to being called "racist"? Simply say, "No, race plays no part in the investigation." Or is there evidence to support the claim?