Contract and Iregs?


Well-Known Member
Common sense never makes it's way into UPS......if the box says "Team Lift" or especially "Mechanically Lift"'s's that :censored2:ing simple but pea brain management can't figure that out. All they care about is numbers.
Realistic number crunching is good business .... what we deal with here at ups is just over the top ridiculous...these production numbers are so one sided it’s not even funny anymore..


In the Spirit of Honore' Daumier
These drivers will get hurt and get kicked to the curb... the company is thinking short term in regards to employees health and safety....the bigger problem is why are these kids flying through the routes ... running, skipping personal time....young and naive.... when they finally learn it will be too late...

Does anybody remember the one day strike in February 1994? The amount of revenue that these over 70's and irregs produce justifies the long term physical health concerns that the members will suffer with age. They did the math in Corporate, would not surprise me if they actually formulated just how many years it will take to bust up a employee and force a early termination or permanent disability.
The less they have to pay you in a full pension or health and welfare coverage the more money in their pockets.

wide load

Starting wage is a waste of time.
I have heard that these virtual rides can’t even calculate different levels of buildings and apartments but I’m sure some big shot IE guy will prove us wrong...
It calculates from the middle of the street to the front door. Any one of these bean counters tells you different they are either liars or are being lied to. I just challenge anyone of these managers of sups to scratch a Mall or downtown route using the methods with taking all appropriate breaks on time AND being within the +/- 15 on the pickups without fluffing the load. #fullofcrap


Well-Known Member
It calculates from the middle of the street to the front door. Any one of these bean counters tells you different they are either liars or are being lied to. I just challenge anyone of these managers of sups to scratch a Mall or downtown route using the methods with taking all appropriate breaks on time AND being within the +/- 15 on the pickups without fluffing the load. #fullofcrap

From what I was told by our IE guy (who's actually a pretty good guy.). They use the GPS in the truck and DIAD to calculate it. The issues that come from that are people who stop complete in the truck. Also stops that you have to walk a long distance around something or up many floors to deliver but to the GPS you're only a few yards away from the truck.

Still it's not accurate and they don't care so neither do I. :censored2: pay me. :)

Frankie's Friend

No one is disputing that. He was talking about drivers purposely inflating their O-70 numbers to increase their planned day, which is called falsifying a time card and can be a dischargeable offense if the company decided to press the issue.
"Falsifying a time card". Please explain that stretch of your imagination. It may affect a bonus driver's pay but not affect a dot time card.

"Carry optimum loads."
Another farce. Two pkgs weighing 35 and 40 lbs moved on a hand cart to the same delivery stop is how different than moving one 71 lb pkg on the cart? The carts say "500 lb max limit" on them so if i put 6 boxes of legal size copy paper on it to deliver to one stop i cant take credit for the equivalent of 4 ov 70s.
That is falsification if anything is.

Im several years older than you are and not only could i mop you on a metro route id probably stomp your pompous rear end in any other sport you choose.

This job is now about self perservation. Our workers comp frequency is multiple times more than the average factory job and worse if you factor the joint destruction that is falsely labeled "disability" issues, not workers comp.
You, upstate, are the gnat at the fruit bowl. It never makes a difference in the big picture of life but are just a small aggravation to be around.
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Frankie's Friend

It calculates from the middle of the street to the front door. Any one of these bean counters tells you different they are either liars or are being lied to. I just challenge anyone of these managers of sups to scratch a Mall or downtown route using the methods with taking all appropriate breaks on time AND being within the +/- 15 on the pickups without fluffing the load. #fullofcrap
Dude, they code "02" instead of "06" and they run scratch. 1 stop per hr with an 02 code shows scratch.