Contract deal expected next week?!


Blind every day
lol, i let you go, i see that you are out of touch with the company and the people who work in it now. The only BS is the one you are spitting when you are only thinking of yourself. A strike will hurt the company but it will hurt us in the fact that the ones to suffer will be the part timers or those who live check to check. As for the employees from 97 who were owed money and were unhappy, they voted no and some didn't even bother to vote. A lot of employees have lost faith in the Union. And since you alot, what happens after the strike when we have less work so we have to layoff all part timers so the full timers can work and when we have to lay off some full timers because of seniority and all of the part timers that will quit because of it. Cant see the forest if your forehead is up against a tree. The 97 strike was almost 30 years ago, times have changed and so has the economy. A strike helps no one. So take a second and ask yourself the same question "what it will cost and who it will affect?"


Most Awesome Dog
Staff member
Ya right. UPS will bow down in 2 seconds. Let's use logic. Who in their right mind will risk billions of dollars to a strike. We authorized the strike already. It is confirmed we are walking. UPS will feel the wrath of a UNION.
It's so stupid " where will you find another job that pays so well". Hahahahaha. No bro, where will UPS find people to replace us? Good luck finding 350,000 replacements. Ain't gonna happen, they will bow down, it is inevitable.
Based on the fact that many business close because they cant find employees, not sure where UPS will find them.


Well-Known Member
The strike will most likely not last longer than a week just like 1997. Members have been told for some time now to save some money in case it happens. If missing 1 week of pay is going to put you in the poor house then your house isn’t in order.

Where will we go making this kind of money? I have a CDL, I can go anywhere. Not for this kind of pay or benefits but we have those benefits and pay BECAUSE we are not afraid to strike to get what we deserve. We are not where we are because of the kindness of UPS’ heart, we fought for it.
I was on strike in 1997, had almost 20 years in as a PC Driver at the time . Yes we had a few that crossed the picket line at the time. It was a shameful act ! I am the kind of person that never believed in putting all my eggs in one basket. I always had several side hustles going on. I made more money on strike than I did working .The least you should do is have a few $ set aside if you know there is a possibility of a strike . This guy O'Brien (hopefully I spelled it right) is showing UPS that he is playing hardball . So a strike could be coming . I like the fact that you have a CDL, looks like every big truck that I am behind has a sign on it saying they are looking for drivers. I like out of the box thinking , looks like you are prepared for whatever happens .


Well-Known Member
I was on strike in 1997, had almost 20 years in as a PC Driver at the time . Yes we had a few that crossed the picket line at the time. It was a shameful act ! I am the kind of person that never believed in putting all my eggs in one basket. I always had several side hustles going on. I made more money on strike than I did working .The least you should do is have a few $ set aside if you know there is a possibility of a strike . This guy O'Brien (hopefully I spelled it right) is showing UPS that he is playing hardball . So a strike could be coming . I like the fact that you have a CDL, looks like every big truck that I am behind has a sign on it saying they are looking for drivers. I like out of the box thinking , looks like you are prepared for whatever happens .
Are you still working at ups??

eats packages

Deranged lunatic
It's funny I don't think I would be here still if the company was actually a great place to work for. It's all spite and bitterness that keeps me in uniform.
Sometimes a failed drug test or physical altercation from now-former coworkers is a reminder that the most damage I can do (peacefully) to such lousy individuals is to stay employed and take every dollar I can find, even making up for lost teamsters.

edit: I should say these 3 folks who did lose their jobs also had large savings before they were fired, like at minimum half a million net worth. They should be doing absolutely fine, a lot of us have skills outside of delivering boxes so the idea that "nobody has a plan B" from that one poster here seems completely wild.