Well-Known Member
I'm not getting into contract talk, Nospin. Not worth the headache to do so. Its why I sugggested APWA concentrate on the non-union Freight side first. If APWA successfully organized a few Freight buildings and got what the member's wanted, APWA would be substantially better off because it would have...what's that word again??? Ohhhh, that's right...credibility!! I'm sure I'll take a flaming for this. -Rocky
There are pretty much three reasons I can think of to give you a complete answer to this question.
1. The legal reasons I cited above regarding the contract.
2. The timeline in which things have developed and will develop.
The cuts to CS occurred in 2003-4. APWA was put into motion and formed in late 2004. From that moment forward, time, planning, and money were committed to winning a Parcel NLRB vote. UPS didn't announce plans to purchase Overnite until mid-2005. Not soon after that, it became obvious that Teamsters would attempt to organize UPS Freight. This is the window of opportunity for the Freight guys. If they choose to go IBT, it will become more difficult to organize a decert campaign much like APWA is doing with Parcel. You can't just do a test drive with the IBT and plan to drop them if you don't like 'em without expecting a fight; so now is the time to offer the Freight guys a choice between APWA and IBT.
Now is the window of opportunity for Parcel. If a new IBT contract is agreed to and the APWA fails to submit a successful election petition to the NLRB before July 31, 2008, it could be three to even possibly eight years before such a petition could be filed again. UPS Parcel employees would be legally bound to the Teamsters without any recourse for exiting. I personally do not want to hang around to see where the IBT takes our pension money during that time. The next 13 months is the only window of opportunity for the APWA. They knew this and started their campaign two years ago so that the network, legal preparation, and build up of press would be ready.
3. The APWA's purpose for organizing Freight.
Your suggestion is that the APWA focus on organizing Freight so as to gain experience and to show themselves worthy to the Parcel side. If I was a Freight employee, this reasoning would make me feel like a guinea pig and as though I (freight) was second fiddle to Parcel. The Freight guys dont won't this and APWA will not use them for this purpose. APWA only wants to offer a viable alternative to what the IBT is offering the Freight guys, and APWA will only do meetings with Freight if they are invited. No active campaigning. APWA is not in the union business for the purpose of organizing every transportation company possible. Their business is UPS Parcel and/or Freight. No one else. And they wish to represent each division with equal vigor and energy. UPS Freight is not a stepping stone.
Now, should a Freight building go APWA in the next few months by their own choosing, you may get the added benefit of watching the APWA in action at the negotiating table. But that just depends on your co-workers on the Blue side.