If they try to cry "poor" next year, then they do not have enough to pay untold $$$$$ in dividends to the stock holders!
Get rid of the dividend and take care of the employees who do all the work!
Considering how their stock almost doubled over the last 3 years of this pandemic and all the shipping surcharges applied will they be claiming the "We can not afford that" at the negotiating table? The last three contracts were basically the Company telling the Union Leadership to jump and the response was "How High"...it was like they mind melted into the concept that the UPS Rank and File were spoiled and or too stupid to make their own decisions.
Maybe the Hoffa administration was pissed over the whole "Central States" fiasco, they lost control of all those contributions in 2007, but they made it up in 2013 when we all had to go into the Union Sponsored (TeamCare) which was controlled by the same trustees in the Central. Currently (TeamCare) is doing well and from previous documented history that the Company will knife you in the back anytime and anywhere in order to save a buck, look good to their higher ups and to get that promotion and fat pension benefits.
The old timers still remember the abuse of power from the Company (and the Union) in the past, face it most of those in power were for the most part sociopaths. They would sacrifice their own grandmother to get another share of their (my precious) UPS Stock. Times have changed now, the big fish are now eating the small ones, these redundant executive position that do nothing are being eliminated much like the Management's pension trust. Hoffa is now out and his posse not in control anymore, I have my suspicions that James was pretty much out of the picture for some time even when he was in power, the machine was running the show behind the big red curtain.
It would fair to say that this 2023 contract will be the last one for most of us on Brown Cafe, I hope to God that we do not get "
(Fooled Again)" (Quoting "the Who" song) (Meet the New Boss..Same as the Old Boss).