The contract is worthless without individuals to enforce it and/or file grievances. Company intimidation on drivers is at an all time high in our building. For example, Management - "You put in for a 9.5 and I will use telematics to fire you within a week." Over 90-95% of the drivers will not file grievances on existing contract language. Part-timers could care less and often want out before their 3.5.. How many drivers and part-timers ask for help for over 70's?
The Excel UPS/IBT spreadsheet is already in place and has been decided. The only thing left is to move the number$ from one column to another.....
How about regaining some of the losses we have had in past contracts such as:
1) Full time driver progression rates back to 1 year instead of 4.
2) Part-time benefits after 6 months instead of 12 and 18 months (family)
3) Part-time wages back to pre-1985 rates which kept pace with full-time drivers (red circled individuals).
4) Contract lengths back to 3 years instead of 5.
5) Guaranteeing ALL (Past and Present) Central States Pension or UPS/IBT UPSers will receive their FULL pension for the entire life! NO hedge selling nothing. For Example...current UPS/IBT CS pension language:
"The UPS/IBT Plan will recognize full-time service in the CS
Plan for determining eligibility for the benefits in this section
and will offset at Normal Retirement Age the benefits accrued
from the CS Plan commencing at Normal Retirement Age. If
the benefit paid from the CS Plan is reduced as permitted or
required by law, the amount of such reduction shall not be
included in this offset"
This is basically BS language for CS full-timers (as well as other UPS Pension Funds in financial trouble)!!! It basically states that if CS goes "belly-up" or partially "belly-up".....(as allowed to or required to by law....which it most certainly will)....UPS does not have to "offset" or make-up the difference. This is the most egregious and misleading language we have for full-time UPSers.... Most of the full-timers I talk with firmly believe that UPS will "make up the difference" if their CS portion of the pension is reduced or eliminated. Basically....the more time you have as a driver in the CS plan....the more "screwed" you will be. Regardless....any pension under UPS can no longer be trusted... Just look what they did not their own supervisors recently...
UPS to Freeze Pensions for 70,000 Workers to Reduce Costs
You mentioned the elimination of 17-I above. Excellent of the worst pieces of language anyone could ever allow in a contract.
The contract definitely needs strong language on company intimidation. Without does not matter what other language is written in the contract that appears to benefit the workers. It's getting to the point that we really need to organize a "Call in your Over 70's Day"!!! Perfectly legal and within our contractual rights.... It's a perfect way to express unity and solidarity without jeapordizing Union jobs.
In summary....the best contract in the world is useless if people are too afraid or unwilling to enforce it because of what the company may do to them. There is only a small percentage of UPSers willing to risk standing up to the company. Most are here at Brown Cafe.