Contract proposals for 2018

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Well-Known Member
Average incomes (Household) in a lot of areas are creeping on 80K a year. A lot of guys (even here) say $35/hr like it's a lot of money. In a lot of places, it's merely average. I know it's hard to understand if you've been here a while, but this isn't the 90's anymore. 100k income is pretty much needed to maintain a decent middle class lifestyle; house, 2 cars, kids, etc.

The more time goes on, the less and less appealing this place is. It's not even so much that we work long hours, it's with 9:00 + start times putting us on the road later and later, combine that with the harassment, the BS, giving up Saturday's.....If it hasn't lost its appeal in your area yet, it's coming. People want lives outside of work. Good luck raising your kids and keeping your wife happy when you're never home. Pretty soon it isn't going to be worth it anymore. Not to just get by. And then we have people like Upstate saying we should be capped at $25/hr lol....SMH
Think the average job pays over 25 an hour and that's with all of these fast food and service jobs pushing that average down....many places now a 2 bedroom apt is running 1500-2000 a month...


Well-Known Member
Hyena you belong on the company side of the page now. I was told you pay for your healthcare and have "unlimited" sick days that you are not allowed to take. What's it like getting paid once a month?


Well-Known Member
I wonder if the company would like to have the 200m+ employees back in their plan.
I bet their rates went up when they downsized?
The company doesn't care about us one way or the other. That's why we need to unite and focus our energy toward them. No more fighting amongst ourselves. Let's fight the real enemy @anHOURover , it's not each other. It's time to blame the real enemy corporate greed.

10 Pt

The company doesn't care about us one way or the other. That's why we need to unite and focus our energy toward them. No more fighting amongst ourselves. Let's fight the real enemy @anHOURover , it's not each other. It's time to blame the real enemy corporate greed.
People are mending fences and it "looks" like SO is as well.
Let's deal with what's at hand and if it slides back to the same direction the last CBA went then we'll deal with it again.
No need stressing over the unknown. We got enough to deal with now.

wide load

Starting wage is a waste of time.
People are mending fences and it "looks" like SO is as well.
Let's deal with what's at hand and if it slides back to the same direction the last CBA went then we'll deal with it again.
No need stressing over the unknown. We got enough to deal with now.
I wish there were more people like you 10. Others are driven by hate.

10 Pt

I wish there were more people like you 10. Others are driven by hate.
Sometimes I get angry with the bs from our local and in the past it has diminished my trust of the union as a whole.
But I have found some comfort in knowing that other posters not only have dealt with similar issues but they haven't let it put out the fire and willingness to stand up to corporate greed and falsehood.
You only have one life. I don't always agree with everyone else but I can always respect them (minus uppitystateNY) and TRY to stay on course.
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wide load

Starting wage is a waste of time.
Sometimes I get angry with the bs from our local and in the past it has diminished my trust of the union as a whole.
But I have found some comfort in knowing that other posters not only have dealt with similar issues but they haven't let it put out the fire and willingness to stand up to corporate greed and falsehood.
You only have one life. I don't always agree with everyone else but I can always respect them and TRY to stay on course.
And we have persevered every single time! Great post.
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