It's sad that your Local allows you to have that choice.
What a terrible door to open.
I agree and have a ton of seniority....and I never go home once I'm on the property.
Thank you
You can't bring yourself up, by bringing someone else down.
That notion is part of your oath as a Teamster.
Thanks again.
Good to see you getting your head around things.
my job was 2 lousy part time jobs that paid $8 an hour
just think i am making over 30$ an hour and have a full time pension
in my eyes I'm winning and not losing
how many people with they could work mon to thur and off friday sat and sun
now i do have other complaints about some of the newer post article 22 jobs
my local LET the company slip in 2 hour lunches on some jobs
my local also lets the company change the bids a lot
there are quite a few members in 623 who work "4 9's and a 4 "
NOW I WILL ALSO SAY that if these jobs were created before mine and they came up with the 4 10's that would be a major concession ... my job was created as 4 10's
I WILL ALSO add that the rumors flying all over about making feeders 4 10's is also a major concession
MY FEET should not be held to the fire because i signed up for a "newly created" article 22.3 job years ago that was 4 ten hour days
also many in my local show up on monday and "TAKE THE DAY"