Ok so we agree. Thats why i said abolish minimum wage it takes the government out of it.
Yes, we agree, for the most part.
The only difference is that you mentioned that the Mickey D workers should get a living wage. What is this mythical number that you think is a living wage?
Who is going to make Mickey D's pay them this living wage? The government?
This living wage you speak of sounds awfully familiar to a minimum wage, just increased some. You said you want the government out of it.
And the employees of mcds have protested.
Yes, they have. And it has accomplished nothing. Seems like a union is the next step.
They may never become union but i completely support a raise and the employees demanding one.
I support them demanding a raise also, if they feel they are underpaid. But their demanding has gotten them nowhere.
Walmart had the same issue. The only thing that got Walmart to pay a little more was the outcry of the public about the typical Walmart worker having to be on Federal Assistance just to make ends meet and the grumblings from employees about possibly trying to unionize.
Fast food workers may either have to unionize or at least get the public behind them to put pressure on the employers and shame them into paying more, like what happened at Walmart.
Do I think they should be paid more? I know times have changed. Mickey D's was traditionally a job for the high school kid to make spending money. But the workforce has shifted and more and more "bread winners" are having to work at fast food places.
The $9/hr for the 16 year old burger flipper trying to earn some golfing money may be fine, but the 40 year old Dad of 2 making the same money seems unfair.
So does the employer pay them according to their financial situation, age, education, children? Or do they pay them the same and the 16 year old also makes $30,000/yr just like the Dad of 2?
One of the drawbacks of living in a Capitalistic free economy is that the economy determines the wages, not what we think the wages should be.
But it sure beats the hell out of a Socialistic economy.
We, I repeat, we, can make Mickey D's pay their workers more. Boycott them until they pay their workers more. And then stop the boycott when you think they are paying their workers enough, whatever you think that number should be.