Contract rumor.


Well-Known Troll
I'm not saying its over, but have been around 4 contracts. It is normal to lose volume a contract year, especially if not resolved early. Count on routes getting huge if its not finished soon. FedEx is already going after our accounts.

Routes Getting huge??? They are all already blown WAY out in my center. I punched out @ 830 last night, and wasn't the latest person, either. If they add much more we'll be delivering all night long

balland chain

Well-Known Member
Our raises dont even keep up with inflation..UPS way rich keep getting richer..if we get a raise, it will be offset by insurance costs, less hours to work, and the necessary psychological care we need to deal with the terrorist managers..


You want a toe? I can get you a toe.
Any deal without a better than what we have now C.O.L.A will be a a huge pay cut. Hyper inflation is on its way.

We've been hearing that for 5 years....

Not really. It's going to take time before it all kicks in. It will kick in within the next 10 years is my guess. Taxes also have to go up if spending isn't cut drastically. Not super rich taxes I'm talking everyone's taxes.


You want a toe? I can get you a toe.
Our raises dont even keep up with inflation..UPS way rich keep getting richer..if we get a raise, it will be offset by insurance costs, less hours to work, and the necessary psychological care we need to deal with the terrorist managers..

Less hours to work? I question that your a ups employee. Ok I question if your a driver.


Be thankful you get raises in this economy. I know I am. Most people take a pay cut, or stay the same.

Most companies didn't weather the recession as well as UPS or nor did they rake in $4.38 billion in profits last year. That was cash made on the backs of hardworking Teamsters.

You're more than welcome to send back any raises and/or fringe benefits to Atlanta via check if you want. I know I earned all of it.


Well-Known Member
Be thankful you get raises in this economy. I know I am. Most people take a pay cut, or stay the same.

History and Business 101 indicates that UPS does very well during "economic down-turns". "Why?" you may ask.. For the simple reason that retail establishments do not like to carry inventory and order more products on an "as needed" basis. People looking for bargains also use the Internet more for their shopping. In other words, UPS continues to do very well during dips in the economy. Therefore, there is no reason that employees of UPS cannot also profit during these times.

As for being thankful, we are all thankful in our own ways. In business, the thanks we get from our hard work comes on Fridays....
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been through one fun..really ugly in our midwest area...For what we went out for, at that time totally caught ups off guard, they are better prepared to make or break the union like other companies have done in the last few years. Our numbers our down as a union and we are weaker, UPS knows this. They have always boasted that we will be leaner and meaner when we come out of the economy slump...Iam wondering if this is what they have been waiting for? Unlike years past, Fedex Grd is more prepared with all their new terminals they built after our last contract, Iam not sure if they have the help, but customers have more options for shipping now. UPS, in my opinion and I hope that iam wrong and you can rip me if you want, they just don't give a sh#t about us or the customers. They are more worried about their stupid pickup compliance times and having your run spohr, no matter if you have a crappy loader or it snows 11 inches...My question is this, other unions have still worked even after their contracts expire and then companies still can negotiate without any work stoppage. I have always heard about this and it seems that those companies generally work things out.
Not sure this works for all contracts, just a thought!...I just want to get this thing taken care of early and not have pay on health care.


Well-Known Member
Lmfao!! Yes we are. All others just work at UPS. And if you think otherwise, your nuts.

I agree if you are talking about physical work.

If you are talking about studying telematics, trace reports, conference calls, lombardi (sp?) reports, and so on and so on and so on, then yea....they "work" too. I have seen the stack of reports, with endless amount of percentages and counts and -'s and +'s they would make your head spin. Not sure that all the answers they are looking for can be found in endless piles of paper, but they sure do like printing them and reading them!!


golden ticket member

Let me see how hard you supervisors work. You come in, build some over dispatched and most of the time screwed up routes while you sit on your ass. Then you, sit some more on your ass and do absolutely nothing laborious. And when you do come out on route to try to train, or teach us something you slow us the hell down. When you go out to train new people with 2/3s of a route, not only do you not know what your doing or going, you call us to bail you out on your pick-ups because your so damn backed up. If you're lucky you might get back to the building at 7:30pm.

You supervisors are useless, and only the few supervisors that actually care about the drivers, because there are few, they will admit that our job is too ******* hard and that the division and center managers don't give a rats ass about anything other than themselves and their numbers.

I'm almost 66 years old, and never worked at UPS......hubby worked long hours for 28 years.......27 as mgmt. and left as a div. mgr. He worked hard......always has. So I stand by the statement that there are a lot of hard workers at UPS....not all of them teamsters.
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Well-Known Member
Almost everyone who has worked UPS for any length of time was offer a mgt job but having seen what THEY put up with most of us wanted to be with the company longer than a few years. I have seen a lot of mgt come and go over the almost 37 years with them and some really good ones were forced out and some bad one were promoted or just moved to another division. I was lucky in that the last years before retirement WE worked well together as I did my job (223 last 5 yrs) and helped them as I was on thee road 1-3 days a week getting them out of jambs. Does it sound like I liked my job,Yep but everyone should know that retirement is a step up. :)

3 done 3 to go

In control of own destiny
Routes Getting huge??? They are all already blown WAY out in my center. I punched out @ 830 last night, and wasn't the latest person, either. If they add much more we'll be delivering all night long

Why you guys loaded like that? We are lucky to get over a 9hr day. Tiny center maybe? That we are in. Even during Xmas last 4 yrs

PT Stewie

"Big Fella"
My BA called me at 5:10PM I had just arrived to work the twi @ brown. It seams that the bean counters will not take the health care off the table $30,$60,$90 per month with 10% escalator per year and a revised inferior program commencing the 2nd year of the contract.This came right from the IBT along with flyers to pass out at the gate tommorrow and the number for the Sat. conferance call. Since posts are moderated I will not post what I think of UPS management. Ahh what the hell I think they suck!