Couple fed up with people parking in handicap spots


Master of Karate and Friendship for Everyone
What really gets to me is the healthy young guys (or girls ) using Grandma's handicapped stickers when they are driving around by themselves.
:censored2: that. I park alllll the damn way at the end of the parking lot where it's empty all around away from the cluster friend*. Don't need some pleb door dinging me.

Old Man Jingles

Rat out of a cage
We have drivers at work who have them from parents who live with them.
Handicapped stickers and tags are for use of a person in GA.
It is illegal to park in a handicap spot unless the person to whom it is issued is the driver or a passenger of that vehicle.
UPS does not approve of handicapped spot being used by an employee who has a handicapped person in their family. I had an employee who had a handicap tag for his brother and I got a ruling from Corporate HR.

What really gets to me is the healthy young guys (or girls ) using Grandma's handicapped stickers when they are driving around by themselves.

I also reported a car driven by a young person (maybe 20) who was driving a car with handicapped tag.
No one else in the car and he was running into the store. Didn't see if the police got there before he came back.


nowhere special
Handicapped stickers and tags are for use of a person in GA.
It is illegal to park in a handicap spot unless the person to whom it is issued is the driver or a passenger of that vehicle.
UPS does not approve of handicapped spot being used by an employee who has a handicapped person in their family. I had an employee who had a handicap tag for his brother and I got a ruling from Corporate HR.

I also reported a car driven by a young person (maybe 20) who was driving a car with handicapped tag.
No one else in the car and he was running into the store. Didn't see if the police got there before he came back.


Gone Fish'n
Handicapped stickers and tags are for use of a person in GA.
It is illegal to park in a handicap spot unless the person to whom it is issued is the driver or a passenger of that vehicle.
UPS does not approve of handicapped spot being used by an employee who has a handicapped person in their family. I had an employee who had a handicap tag for his brother and I got a ruling from Corporate HR.

Thing is, no one cares. Does it bother me, sure, do I care enough to rat him out, no.


cap'n crunch
What really gets to me is the healthy young guys (or girls ) using Grandma's handicapped stickers when they are driving around by themselves.
Here in Texas, if the police want to check if someone is eligible or not, the first 4 digits of my driver's license # as well as my initials are at the top of the placard. Some cities allow citizens to take pictures of handicap parking abusers who park in a spot with no placard, send it to the city and they will mail a citation to the owner of the car.


Well-Known Member
A UPS spokesperson says “UPS’s policy is that our drivers follow all local, state and federal traffic laws. We will investigate the situation and take appropriate action.”

I have a couple hundred parking tickets that say otherwise

eats packages

Deranged lunatic
It really depends on location how I feel about handicap hogging for delivery purposes.
Plenty of places have 4 unused spots that would almost never be used all-at-once, other places those 4 spots are hot property.


Retired 23 years
Mountain out of a mole hill. It looks like there are plenty of handicap spots outside that Staples. Probably some vacation driver. Now the regular driver has to bang on the rear door of Staples. Thanks vacation driver. Regular driver should put Staples on the last stop of the day if possible.