

Fight the power.
If you've got something to say, say it. If not, shut your damn pie hole.
I'm pretty sure I'm making myself clear. You knowingly lied and tried to disgrace me by making a false claim that I made a rude sexual comment about your daughter, you don't know me bro, I have girls of my own, and would never , ever say something like that

Orion inc.

I like turtles
i spent hours last night researching articles on this subject from respected sources to become MORE informed . Non whites are making this a race issue. For all you people know , I may be non white . In fact , I am not caucasion. I am just stating facts and granted people can and always will twist facts towards their own means.

the best we can do is be as informed as possible by researching many sources instead of just one. that is what I tried to do.
nobody really cares what you are. All we all know is that you constantly have a habit of inflated, grandiose stories that aren't true in any fact.

Let me guess, now you're a non white rich ex stripper with 35 years at ups retired because it fits the narrative of this thread?

It's not always about you but you sure have a story or experience for every thread on here


Well-Known Member
...and I apologized for that mistake...you can either accept or reject my apology...I really couldn't care less...what I do care about and won't tolerate are these personal attacks...


Staff member
nobody really cares what you are. All we all know is that you constantly have a habit of inflated, grandiose stories that aren't true in any fact.

Let me guess, now you're a non white rich ex stripper with 35 years at ups retired because it fits the narrative of this thread?

It's not always about you but you sure have a story or experience for every thread on here
why "ex" stripper?


Fight the power.
...and I apologized for that mistake...you can either accept or reject my apology...I really couldn't care less...what I do care about and won't tolerate are these personal attacks...
You did not apologize , come on brother, I told you if you apologized it would be over, till you do, I will continue to call you out, it's up to you, make the right choice....


Engorged Member
The facts aren't important in these matters. The rabble rousers can't get blacks and white apologist liberals worked up into a frenzy if the facts are known. The most important fact though is that all the protests and retaliation against the police won't do a thing to stop the real problem.....which is that a bunch of idiots keep resisting arrest. Resisting arrest is never a good idea. Regardless of whether or not someone is innocent.

Statistics show that you're wrong. There is, in fact, NO DISPARITY towards blacks in police shootings. IN FACT...... those same statistics show that whites are shot more. But....... my statement still stands. If EVERYONE involved would stop resisting arrest it won't happen.

Your statistics are undoubtedly from the same biased sources that they usually are, so I'm going to assume they are meaningless. I will agree that resisting is always stupid. Even if the cop is a major A-hole, it is always in your best interests not to piss them off. I recently got a ticket in a small town from the rudest cop I've ever encountered. I was absolutely polite, complied with everything he said, and then was written a bogus ticket.

As soon as I was out of town, I called his watch commander, who returned my call and said he'd review the officer's body cam video and get back to me. 2 days later, I got a call from their chief, who apologized for the officer's behavior and said that disciplinary action had been undertaken.

I took the ticket to court, and the cop was a no-show, so it was dismissed. I'm pretty sure he was told not to come to court.

Overpaid Union Thug

Well-Known Member
Your statistics are undoubtedly from the same biased sources that they usually are, so I'm going to assume they are meaningless. I will agree that resisting is always stupid. Even if the cop is a major A-hole, it is always in your best interests not to piss them off. I recently got a ticket in a small town from the rudest cop I've ever encountered. I was absolutely polite, complied with everything he said, and then was written a bogus ticket.

As soon as I was out of town, I called his watch commander, who returned my call and said he'd review the officer's body cam video and get back to me. 2 days later, I got a call from their chief, who apologized for the officer's behavior and said that disciplinary action had been undertaken.

I took the ticket to court, and the cop was a no-show, so it was dismissed. I'm pretty sure he was told not to come to court.
And THAT is exactly why so many Americans are ignorant as ##ck and are pretesting right now. Refusing to learn the facts is 10 times worse than being stupid. At least being stupid is a valid excuse.


Nine Lives
In ohio you tell them, they tell you how to proceed
That's what I do.
Both hands on steering wheel and I don't move except my head.
If the officer asks me if I have a gun, I tell him.
I follow instructions from there.
The cop has a gun and will use it and he/she will be backed to the hilt by our legal system.
I try to diffuse the situation, smile and be polite.
I've been stopped way to many times and I'm still alive.


Inordinately Right
i spent hours last night researching articles on this subject from respected sources to become MORE informed . Non whites are making this a race issue. For all you people know , I may be non white . In fact , I am not caucasion. I am just stating facts and granted people can and always will twist facts towards their own means.

the best we can do is be as informed as possible by researching many sources instead of just one. that is what I tried to do.
You spent hours researching articles huh....
I'm honestly surprised there's anyone left on this site who believes a single word you write. You have been proven a liar a dozen times over, GTFO.


Strength through joy
And now as the facts come out , that facebook video seems to have been staged .
He wasn't stopped for a broken taillight like the drama queen GF said, he was stopped because he matched the description of an armed robbery suspect.
She also claimed that the gun was in the glove box , while it's clearly shown on his hip .
She openly admits to having drugs in the car while her child was in the back seat .
She turned the camera on because she wanted to change the script as to what really happened.


nowhere special
And now as the facts come out , that facebook video seems to have been staged .
He wasn't stopped for a broken taillight like the drama queen GF said, he was stopped because he matched the description of an armed robbery suspect.
She also claimed that the gun was in the glove box , while it's clearly shown on his hip .
She openly admits to having drugs in the car while her child was in the back seat .
She turned the camera on because she wanted to change the script as to what really happened.
Do you think people will pay attention to facts of the case? Or ignore facts and riot anyway?