I've seen a lot of pet peeves that are apparently the same everywhere. The best thing I've seen so far, though, is Lakeland's avatar!!! OMG. Anyway, I've been with UPS 15 yrs. I've done EVERY a.m. position and a few p.m. I drove for 8 yrs and took a 22.3 job that was air shuttle/porter. The union filed a grieveance and now I'm a preload/porter. However, and I AM getting to my point, I don't porter. I spend the second half of my day in the DMP area. DAMAGES. Our preload supe makes such a big deal about service that he is documenting. suspending and firing people for missloads. No one has lost a job permanently yet, thank the Lord. The point is he has the unload pushing out the volume SO hard that the damages we process BY FAR outweigh any missloads. Incidentally, for a preloader to get charged for a missload that for every conceivable reason may have as easily occurred on the package car is pretty much harrassment. I've taken a few lefts too fast havent you? I died inside every time I bumped a curb knowing what the car would look like on the inside at the next stop. Anyway, when they accuse me of anything lately all I say prove it. All we have to do is never steal, never say no, and always work to the best of our ability. I used to love this company. I pretty much still do. But I can't stand it when a manager or supervisor preaches about safety and/or service and then create circumstances/set goals where they are effectively impossible to maintain. Sorry, this is my first post and I felt the need to vent a little. As the person in charge of handling the DMP, I am finding it impossible to keep up with the damages. The supervisors and managers don't know the process as well as I do and the local sort usually leaves their work for me too. My last vacation district PE did an audit and fragged my center because nothing gets done when I'm not there. Last week I processsed probably 15-20 damages myself. I only process leakers/liquids, so that doesn't include the rest of the damages or the stuff on the local sort that they do manage to get done.