Blood? The ice was covered with it.
oldngray nowhere special Yesterday at 9:49 AM #621 Wally said: Blood? The ice was covered with it. Click to expand...
rod Retired 23 years Yesterday at 2:02 PM #623 "The condition of the dog was unknown"------------------nice touch. Excellent reporting there Clark Kent.
"The condition of the dog was unknown"------------------nice touch. Excellent reporting there Clark Kent.
DELACROIX In the Spirit of Honore' Daumier Yesterday at 3:35 PM #624 rod said: "The condition of the dog was unknown"------------------nice touch. Excellent reporting there Clark Kent. Click to expand... Just a flesh wound...pretty sure he is getting better.
rod said: "The condition of the dog was unknown"------------------nice touch. Excellent reporting there Clark Kent. Click to expand... Just a flesh wound...pretty sure he is getting better.