Dayton Ohio Shooting

Old Man Jingles

Rat out of a cage
When someone tries to preach his interpretation of the constitution to me I always call into question their qualifications to do so. Sorry if I exposed your lack thereof.
How the hell would you know?
Coming from a clueless LibTurd, whatever you dispute comes into question immediately.

Old Man Jingles

Rat out of a cage
Same. I'm thinking that there may be a chance mainstream news may not have been giving equal airtime to all mass shootings.
Snopes backs up your claim ...
Was Dayton Mass Shooter a Self-Described ‘Pro-Satan Leftist Who Supported Elizabeth Warren’?

Connor Betts, the suspect in the Dayton mass shooting in August 2019, has on social media described himself as a leftist, expressed “pro-Satan” views, and has stated support for Elizabeth Warren.



Well-Known Member
Remember when Jimmy Carter passed the "Mental Health Systems Act of 1980" which provided grants to community mental health centers? It was repealed by Ronald Reagan a year later.


Well-Known Member
There goes the LibTurds claims ... Right down the drain.
Less Caucasians than Blacks and Hispanics.
Didn't know you cuckservatives cared so much about Black and Brown lives. Maybe if you sent your thoughts and prayers to the inner cities there wouldn't be so much violence.

Old Man Jingles

Rat out of a cage
Didn't know you cuckservatives cared so much about Black and Brown lives. Maybe if you sent your thoughts and prayers to the inner cities there wouldn't be so much violence.
I pray for them daily and I pray several times a day that I never have to live in an inner city.