No need for an app due to "member apathy". But is it really member apathy or more like lack of member leadership development? But hey, why develop a member to be a leader if they might run against you for the next term?

Let's just keep them in the dark instead
I'm not saying that local leadership couldn't do more to get members involved but to try and lay the blame solely at their feet is ridiculous. What type of "leadership development" are you looking for? If you're a leader you already have the drive to learn and get involved. Which in turn will develop you into a informed leader.
Take my local for instants.
We've gone through multiple different elections lately. Participation has been under 15%. Thats with two slates being outside multiple different buildings. Constantly informing and motivating members to get involved and vote.
My local also has a LU app that they have been outside of buildings promoting and asking members to download. It sends alerts about what's going on in the local and other areas. Very few take the time to download it or even listen.
My local is working with other locals to combat/organize Amazon. Once a month they are outside my building passing out information and begging members to get involved.
General Membership Meetings are the 3rd Thursday of every month. Yes even during summer. They raffle off jackets for those that show up and they also do a buy in raffle for a TV every time. Out of 7k plus members less than 100 show up every month.
The bulk of the apathy is on the members. Nothing is stopping them from getting involved. Blaming leadership is just a cop out because it's easier to do that than actually show up.