That's a good question. When it comes to pensions I would have to say no. I would assume most pensions are multi employer pensions and it would take more than just getting UPS members a good contract to change things.
Not sure about the East Coast but the Central and the Southern are under defined pension plans ... UPS only...(part timers) separate from the IBT/UPS pension plan (aka: Central States).
Chicago also has their own pension plans, but I believe that the part timers are still under that UPS controlled pension plan.
This federal bail out of the Teamster’s underfunded multi employer pension trust is the big game changer. Both the teamsters and UPS were lobbying for it big time.
Will that change the pension disparities of our total membership will be another story.. depends on who gets in... Vairma is running on his record with the Western pensions, being a trustee.. whether he will be willing to fight for the rest of his membership who are not as fortunate would be a hell of a question.