Point/counterpoint, scholarly debate, whatever you want to call it. My only issue with it is that it finds its way into every update thread with the same info back and forth until suddenly bam there’s 20 pages of nothing but you two pointing and counterpointing ever more generally with the original topic of the thread disappearing into the rear view.
Not saying you two don’t have good points or that your back and forth isn’t informative, but I think we can keep it from sprawling into every thread.
Some people just want to know what’s going on.
I attend our local meetings when I’m able with my work schedule (nights including one weekend night) I’ve talked with my BA, I did talk with my shop steward, but it seems like I know more than they do about what’s going on in other locals just from reading on here trying to stay informed. If they know anything about central PA, western PA, 243, or 804 they sure aren’t sharing it. In fact the only reason I originally knew about any contention with the new contract at all was because of this forum. All the mechanics in our shop were encouraged to vote yes and all of them not at top pay are still mad that they’re waiting on raise/backpay and have no clue what they’re waiting on besides “some stuck up drivers or something.”
Our local is pretty absent, at least so far as I’ve seen. But sometimes it gets a bit challenging to pick out relevant info when every thread devoted to the topic gets turned into a debate between you two about something else, then since we’re already off topic someone says something about TDU shills, then 10 guys make jokes about how their hub got backpay and/or traded everyone else’s backpay for beards, etc. Then we have another new thread about the same thing 500 times a week because the old threads are filled with off topic and generally not directly useful information, then we have everyone exasperated about the dumb newb who wants their backpay, and the cycle repeats.
Now, that out of the way, my concern is not backpay. To date I’m owed ~$8000 backpay less taxes and whatever back dues are taken out of it. That’s great, I’m living the way I’ve been living all along and I’m well within my means and content to let that come when it comes. What I want to know is what’s going on in the locals where they didn’t get a big brown and gold **** rammed (all the way) up their *** the first time. And y’all in particular make that information harder to find than it needs to be.
@BigUnionGuy, sorry, next time I’ll put your name first.
Great, I’m off my soapbox now, going back to reading and only rarely ever commenting.
And yes, a gofundme would be great