so factory farming, experimental labs, overuse ot antibiotics in part to grow animal products faster.
us foods are frequently rejected for export for not being up to standard. as you know theres been protests against monsanto for example.
ppl starving also happens in capitalism. you have mass hunger in america. but you also create starvation through your wars of imperialism, like modern day yemen right now.
the problem with capitalism is it puts too much power in too few hands, and it corrupts. so the rich *s who sell you this unsafe food first of all can afford to eat the more premium food which may be safer. they also corrupt the regulators.
a cooperative food system would spread the power out so it reduces the corrupting influence. in addition cooperatives dont necessarily have to grow.
capitalism is giving us a monoculture which is more ideal for viruses to spread when theres primarily humans and nothing else, at the moment.
most of these viruses come from over crowding of livestock
a few conglomerates own most of the food supply its a joke and not worth defending.