Depression for vehicle drivers


Well-Known Member
There are groups that meet weekly where people in similar situations can discuss ongoing issues. They can be extremely beneficial and are usually moderated by counselors or Doctors. Your local health services can provide information for these programs.


Package Car Whipping Boy
let me tell you its very real for me. i come home alone around 3 am and wonder what my whole existence is all about. some days i dont know how i get through it. knowing i just barely make enough to scrape by


Well-Known Member
This is a typical trickpony1 post. If what he states is true, he should have no problem in listing the title and author of his stepdaughter's so called "textbook" for her business class.

If he finds some reason that he can't provide that information, we will know his post was just another in his long line of anti UPS posts.

Trickpony1, we all are waiting for your reply.

Yup. You're right. You caught me.
I don't have anything else to do but post lies on internet forums.
The CIA has got nothing over you.

For those not in the CIA, I didn't keep her textbook nor did I carve the citation to said article into the sheetrock of my computer room/office/bedroom.
My post isn't anymore foundless than one management posters contention that 1500 drivers in a telematics test area straightened their act right up immediately after implementation of telematics.
Not 1325, not 1493, not 1294 but exactly 1500 drivers.
What a coincidence.

I guess I should feel honored that I have my very own internet stalker.
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The posts I read seem to be more directed at 'well, don't give up' or 'yes, we agree' but I haven't seen really any recommendations on how to actually change things? I'm fairly new to UPS, do things actually change or are they just stuck in a perma all mighty dollar type of caring?


Most Awesome Dog
Staff member
Nothing will change, actually most companies only give you a few days off for a funeral, most dont give you anything for further than IMMEDIATE family. Most including UPS will let you take a vaca week or time off unpaid.
Imagine losing a child and trying to go back after four days. any job. I cant imagine.


Nothing will change, actually most companies only give you a few days off for a funeral, most dont give you anything for further than IMMEDIATE family. Most including UPS will let you take a vaca week or time off unpaid.
Imagine losing a child and trying to go back after four days. any job. I cant imagine.

I couldn't either. If it's anything other then suicide I don't think I'd have as hard a time dealing with things but suicide just confuses people and you always wonder what if and did they know something you didn't know? I just don't understand how a multibillion dollar company can just turn their backs on their employees. I suppose it would mean our prez would need to take a paycut (god forbid he needs to fly coach instead of first class!)


Well-Known Member
I would like to believe that if a UPSer needed more time off because of a family tragedy that UPS would accomodate the employee and give them the necessary time to grieve. FMLA, vacation, sick days, whatever. If not your direct management team then the higher ups. I know my management team would because they have done it in the past. I can only imagine what the death of a child would be like and then UPS expecting you to return after a week? I would be crying all day long at every stop. I hope that UPS would respond correctly.


Most Awesome Dog
Staff member
I believe they would respond correctly.
If not go to the er get a note for a few days, get to your own doc and get a write off slip. There are many ways to get the time but to excpect a company to pay you for more, isnt really realistic. It would be nice but not realistic.
As far as time off wo pay, it depends on your management team. The one I have now there would be no problem, some Ive had there would be.


It's not realistic for them to pay for it but to accommodate for it is a little different.

I look at a company like West Jet and what they did for my cousin when he hurt his back. Granted, this was while he was at work but he wasn't told he HAD to do light duties (something UPS is great at trying to guilt you into or force upon you). He was told to stay home, take it easy and they would take care of the rest.

They did too, he was hooked up with disability pay, still given the treatment as a regular employee and was taken care of by West Jet. If a 'newer' company like west jet can do this much for an employee, why not a company that's been around for 100 years? It's no wonder you never hear of UPS being in the top 100 employers of the year.

Even if they can't accommodate with light duties, would it be so hard for them to at least help you claim unemployment. I was told in the beginning if I filled out the form I would be given light duties. Then told to fill out another and another until 5 weeks later I still hadn't gotten a paycheck from anywhere. I thought this is what HR was for? There are ways to assist that wouldn't cause the company much problems...Although then I suppose it would look bad on the company because they wouldn't accommodate for depression.


From the promised LAND

You hit it right on the head. Its your loss. For the first week, or even maybe 2 weeks, there is someone there checking in, calling etc.

After that, nothing. Very few calls. The friends you had and did things with, especially couples things if you lose our spouse, the invitations quit. In some cases, its like you died as well.

Their life goes on, your life as well. But your loss continues, as does the emotional loss that keeps on losing.
