Didn’t qualify what can I do

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Shift Inhibit

He who laughs last didn't get it.
Trust me I'll get it

I'm very fortunate that I have enough seniority that I've never have to work on a Saturday unless I agree with you.

But what's even more sad is that they will ask someone like me to come in on a Saturday because they know too many people are going to call off.

Saturday delivery was probably one of the worst things that happened to this company
New guys are “quietly quitting” . Doing bare minimum just enough to get by. That’s how it is around here.


Well-Known Member
Lmao this job is easy, sure… keep telling yourself that. I was extra gung-ho when I started too. 6 years of forced Saturdays and non-stop harassment from management definitely causes mental anguish. This job isn’t what it used to be. You must work at Cache or be in management or some tiny little bodunk center.

People like YOU get on my nerves. Constantly telling people to stop complaining and that this isn’t that bad; and where else can you get money like this blah blah blah. UPS is not the end-all job for people that didn’t go to school. There are TONS of ways to make BETTER money than this place. But go ahead and keep your blinders on and take 40 stops off of Rodriguez when you finish your work. And let me know how those replacement knees and hips treat you in 10 years. Easiest job ever lmao.
Quit. You are proof that there are others ways to make wayyyyyy more money.. You are still there lol. I gladly take 40 from rodriguez..i finish everday at 6 with an easy low impact route. His 40 everyday keeps me from working saturdays while you are settling in for a good day of saturday work, im watering my driveway in black socks and slippers and beer in hand waving as you deliver in my neighborhood with my $2900 check closed out(that you can make anywhere easily according to you) Shut up and quit.


Blind every day
Trust me I have my foot out of the :censored2: door. Enjoy those 60 hour weeks and watering your lawn at the end of the week lmao.

G.V. Rush

All Encompassing Member
It’s glorified slave labor dude. A lot more people are gonna have to keel over and die in the back of them PCs it’s damn near life threatening
Yes, well paid slave labor. You make zero sense. Go be a day laborer digging ditches on a construction site for minimum wage. You sound like a baby. Man up


Well-Known Member
You can quit tomorrow..if not shut up. All drivers at ups "are so pissed off that they are ABOUT to leave".. met a retired driver once who went to work in sanitation and said he had never been happier. He said it was much better yada yada yada..i asked him how long he worked at ups he said 35 years....i wonder if a woman was that bad would any of us stayed that long??


Well-Known Member
Yes, well paid slave labor. You make zero sense. Go be a day laborer digging ditches on a construction site for minimum wage. You sound like a baby. Man up
You sound like the people on my route runnin out sayin somethin about ac in the trucks and handing me gatorade and water and im not even sweating! You man up and QUIT...


Blind every day
You can quit tomorrow..if not shut up.
Actually I’m being responsible and taking a 40 hour course on my own time first but thanks for trying to be an online tough guy and thanks for the fantastic job you do at ups and for defending it so hard what a great company man. Truly hope you see the light some day before your body completely breaks down or your wife leaves you for never being home.
Never understand why people :censored2: on others realizing how toxic this place really is and for trying to get out. Any time I’ve seen it, it’s the opposite for me; I ask them what’s next and support it 100%. I ask myself how can that be me? Finally found something that fits the lifestyle I want to live and pays similar if not better. It sure as hell isn’t 13 hour days and mandatory 6 day work weeks and getting a layer of sweat dirt up your crack every day and blowing out black snot when you get home or picking up Rodriguez’ 40 stops slack every single day. Only downfall is I might have to pay for my own benefits. I’ll gladly trade a little money for my sanity and for a healthy body.
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Why didn’t all these tough as nails guys join the military? the government adores people like them to fight their useless never ending foreign wars. Not ask any questions just follow ze orders. Run yourself into the ground. I mean moving boxes seems like a waste of such men of steel
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Well-Known Member
You had abad experience.. Lots of pro players have millions of bux but can barely walk because of injuries.
I know many guys who are off at 4 -530 everyday consistently. Because they were smart. I choose to make long money. In both cases when life gives you lemons you make lemonade( but i personally put vodka in that mother fu......!


Well-Known Member
Quit. You are proof that there are others ways to make wayyyyyy more money.. You are still there lol. I gladly take 40 from rodriguez..i finish everday at 6 with an easy low impact route. His 40 everyday keeps me from working saturdays while you are settling in for a good day of saturday work, im watering my driveway in black socks and slippers and beer in hand waving as you deliver in my neighborhood with my $2900 check closed out(that you can make anywhere easily according to you) Shut up and quit.
All this Saturday whining is ruining my Sunday.

Your Saturday sounds awesome. Next Saturday I’m gonna get my swag on and sit in the drive to watch for the ups truck. I now have a new goal…. (Perhaps we can share notes)
Gonna throw all the uniform stuff I have in a bag and give it back to the center tomorrow cuz I don’t want them and someone could maybe use an extra of something. Massive waste of time and money.
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