You're pretty thin skinned if you call that getting jumped on. So long.
it's the same, different day. it's lame.
good luck on your next contract.
I'm starting to see the need for a "dislike button" too.....
FYI for anyone who doesn't know. I'm not a Moderator anymore, so my posts are my opinions and do not necessarily reflect the views of Brown Cafe management and staff.
So we can start drinking together again?
not gone forever, you'd like that too much.
no i just went to cook dinner.
8 years, accident free - and i'd say I drive at least 150 miles per day for UPS.
Do you get safety awards?
But do you make 150 stops? and have 6.8 seconds to do them in? in traffic? with commit times? with everything else UPS drivers have to do?
Maybe, if we weren't treated as murderers and hung in the village square for such minor incidents like "hit while parked", drivers would be less inclined to feel the need to stretch the truth. It's not our fault UPS bought into such a lame insurance policy that makes them pay for accidents that are clearly the fault of others. A package car is hit in the rear, the other person is ticketed by the police, but UPS has to pay the insurance company for the accident? What kind of BS is that?!....sure she might have not known, but for every 1 that really was not known, there are 50 that drivers are lying about it.
Maybe, if we weren't treated as murderers and hung in the village square for such minor incidents like "hit while parked", drivers would be less inclined to feel the need to stretch the truth. It's not our fault UPS bought into such a lame insurance policy that makes them pay for accidents that are clearly the fault of others. A package car is hit in the rear, the other person is ticketed by the police, but UPS has to pay the insurance company for the accident? What kind of BS is that?!
Huh? UPS does not automatically pay for every accident regardless of cause. What UPS does is set aside money, based upon the severity of the accident and historical data, for every accident. For example, UPS will set aside $47K for a Tier 3. This does not mean that they cut a check for $47K but instead allocates the funds in case they do have to cut a check.