Disgusted Union Members = Trump Vs. Hillary


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I am having a tough time this election.

If you had told me that the Republican Party would find a political outsider businessman to run against Hillary Clinton that I couldn't vote for, I would not have believed you.

But Donald Trump is like some kind of cartoon character that I can't even fathom as POTUS.

I would list his personality flaws and lack of any real policy proposals, but it would be a waste of time.

The people who support him don't seem bothered by any of those details.

Bottom line, I think he likes the idea of being President for his own ego.
Steven Hawking said it best when he said that Donald Trump is “a demagogue who seems to appeal to the lowest common denominator”.


Fight the power.
Even less.


Do you need an air compressor or tire gauge
All these people telling us for the past 16 years what's in our best interest. I'm sure glad people have listened to them


Trump is a scary choice for me.......UNTIL I remind myself who is opponent is. Then he looks very appealing. Anyone who votes for that corrupt hag Hillary Clinton is either a fool or a partisan hack job that simply couldn't be bothered to do the research to find out for themselves.
If Trump came from a modest upbringing and were a well-spoken person, I'd be understanding of Trump voters. But he had everything handed to him in life early on, which obviously ruined his personality and perspective. And he still isn't a good businessman, despite riding his families fortune of endless disposal. Scary choice.


Well-Known Member
I might not be a smart man Jenny, but I can tell you Trump is anti-union. BTW, Bill Clinton did not interfere when we went on strike. He could have forced us back to work. So yes, Democrats are Pro-Union.

Orion inc.

I like turtles
I might not be a smart man Jenny, but I can tell you Trump is anti-union. BTW, Bill Clinton did not interfere when we went on strike. He could have forced us back to work. So yes, Democrats are Pro-Union.
I have to agree on this point. And he is not a fan of the teamsters especially in NY


I might not be a smart man Jenny, but I can tell you Trump is anti-union.BTW, Bill Clinton did not interfere when we went on strike. He could have forced us back to work. So yes, Democrats are Pro-Union.
Are you for certain that means "pro union"? I don't think Clinton stood for much, really. He stood for whatever his PR and media agents told him to.

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Brown Spider

Well-Known Member
When it comes to this election season it seems to be all about emotion. There is no intellectual thought. There is no way that clinton is a viable option for POTUS. She is a criminal and should be in jail. I have NO respect for this person.
While on the other hand you have a man that is a known egomaniac. He makes a lot of promises and says many of the things that America wants to hear. However, let's be realistic. If Trump is elected, there is no way he will be able to do what he proposes because Democrats have a majority in Congress.
There is no hope for this country. This is what is happening to us.
All great democracies have committed financial suicide somewhere between 200 and 250 years after being founded. The reason? The voters figured out they could vote themselves money from the treasury by electing people who promised to give them money from the treasury in exchange for electing them. The United States officially became a Republic in 1776, 231 years ago. The number of people now getting free stuff outnumbers the people paying for the free stuff. Failure to change that spells the end of the United States as we know it.

The Democrats do not "have a majority in Congress." The 2014 election gave the Republicans control of the Senate and the House of Representatives.