Disgusted Union Members = Trump Vs. Hillary


Annoy a liberal today. Hit them with facts.
There is no such thing as permanent welfare. Eligibility to remain on public assistance is checked on a periodic basis.
No kidding?

Maybe that's why some families have been on welfare for generations.

And what gets you tossed off the welfare rolls?

Getting a job?

That happens........NOT.


Annoy a liberal today. Hit them with facts.
You're the one throwing your vote away.
By voting for the next President?

Trump will win.

Trump was in front of 10,000 on Saturday at one of his events.

Hillary, Bill and her VP spoke in front of about 100 people.

Two days after their convention, and all the supporters she get to show is about 100?

Trump has this.

10 point

Well-Known Member
You can thank the republican party and their right to work crusade for that.
Another blanket cure all answer.
What about the states that don't have right to work and membership is declining?
It's not all about right to work. But it may be about people either not being educated in the benefits of union membership or the local union representation sucks.

3 done 3 to go

In control of own destiny
Which is no father in the home, no job and lots of babies.

Real difficult.......Not.

Next generation born year after year. After 2 years they can re-apply. Never ending cycle. Why work when the government give them all they need. Which is why the democrats appeal to those demographics. Here depend on the government
Its free. Which is why the middle class is disappearing
Next generation born year after year. After 2 years they can re-apply. Never ending cycle. Why work when the government give them all they need. Which is why the democrats appeal to those demographics. Here depend on the government
Its free. Which is why the middle class is disappearing
It completely disgusts me that these people eat much better than many working families.


You want a toe? I can get you a toe.
A vote for a third party candidate is a vote for Hillary. But they don't care because it's hip to to be able to say they didn't vote for either of the main candidates. That's what many, so called, libertarians get off on.
Actually It's not. If he can win just a couple of states and get this thing to the House of Representatives he's got a chance.


Well-Known Member
Next generation born year after year. After 2 years they can re-apply. Never ending cycle. Why work when the government give them all they need. Which is why the democrats appeal to those demographics. Here depend on the government
Its free. Which is why the middle class is disappearing

On the flip side - people do not deserve to just be given a job.

I personally could care less about people on welfare. It's a drop in the bucket in the national bucket.

That type of person would only drag down wages because they would be worthless employees. Would you like them as a co-worker?


You want a toe? I can get you a toe.
On the flip side - people do not deserve to just be given a job.

I personally could care less about people on welfare. It's a drop in the bucket in the national bucket.

That type of person would only drag down wages because they would be worthless employees. Would you like them as a co-worker?
Really I would say the point is maybe the next generation grows up seeing they have to work for a living and they become decent members of society.

The way it is now these kids see the system worked over their whole lives and guess what most are going to grow up to do? Work over the system some more.
Really I would say the point is maybe the next generation grows up seeing they have to work for a living and they become decent members of society.

The way it is now these kids see the system worked over their whole lives and guess what most are going to grow up to do? Work over the system some more.
Unless you are disabled there is no excuse for never having a job. They need to start cutting back some of the benefits. Don't give them an incentive to stay on forever


Inordinately Right
A vote for a third party candidate is a vote for Hillary. But they don't care because it's hip to to be able to say they didn't vote for either of the main candidates. That's what many, so called, libertarians get off on.
Trump has been a New York liberal his entire life. He's taking you for a ride. Libertarians vote on principle, and their vote has a bigger influence on the republican platform than you realize.