Part-timers vastly out number the full-timers.... in actual hubs.
If your building has a reload shift, it's not a hub.
Combine feeders and pkg.... it's still about a 3-1 ratio.
I chose a smaller idea of preload/reload to make the hypothetical numbers easier.
On my midnight shift we have 13 PDs, 4 unload and sort areas, small sort, secondary sort, recycles, PSC, and irregs. So I can guess 200+ people but I don't know how many are FT. I believe the twilight shift runs the same areas, and I don't know how many work the preload. Then there's 3 centers that all probably run somewhere around 100 routes. I haven't counted the package cars in the lineups.
Last time I looked at the seniority lists there were 5 pages for PT on my shift with the first page being 10+ years the second page pretty much until a couple years then the 3rd was less than a quarter with more than a year and the remaining less than a year.
I'm not doubting on paper there is a significantly higher number of PT than FT. My point was that during a time where a PT vote matters how many of the PT ranks have the ability to vote(in the union and in good standing{New hires that haven't fully paid their initiation fees are not in good standing in my understanding but I could be wrong?})
If there's a significant amount of the PT force who can't vote or will no longer be employed by their own choice that they don't vote because it will no longer effect them, that in my mind could potentially push the ratio much closer to a 1-1 than the 3-1 you say.
If part timers actually voted they would never be in this position. They never will vote in my opinion and this is unfortunately who everything is geared in actual negotiations. Its called the real world.
I'm not saying PTers don't vote, it's the same as FTers not voting, if we were dealing with 80%+ voter turnout overall and only 20% was PT then the shame is completely on PT for not voting, but the turnout sucks for both FT and PT. With this climate and how PT is a transient workforce overall I would be interested to see how the voter participation is with PTers who have more than 5 years vs below.