Do You Know Who I Am ?


Victory Ride
I’m going in too…..into the pool.
Very well then Spaulding


Well-Known Member
This is sad.

Alcoholism is considered a mental health issue.

If you are alcoholic, you may need help.

This program helps some. It helped me.

This is sad.

Alcoholism is considered a mental health issue.

If you are alcoholic, you may need help.

This program helps some. It helped me.

This might help you more… Integrity are you Obsessed with the penis as a sexual organ? I think you need to go to cockaholics anonymous. Get the help you need @Integrity.


Binge Poster
This might help you more… Integrity are you Obsessed with the penis as a sexual organ? I think you need to go to cockaholics anonymous. Get the help you need @Integrity.
No, I am not obsessed with the penis as a sexual organ?

What prompts this question?

Also, I have never heard of cockaholics anonymous, although it would not surprise me if it existed.

I hope this adequately replies to your post.

Thank you for your consideration to help me though. It was very thoughtful but not needed.

My wife might recommend me to another program but definitely not cockaholics anonymous. She does keep up with me still, and she still appreciates being frequently desired, so on second thought she probably wouldn’t recommend that program. We’re old but not dead yet.

Thanks again though!