"Doc in a box" horror stories



Re: "Doc in a box" horror stories

"Great example of why anytime you have a serious injury at UPS, always get a second opinion from a outside doctor, the doctor Ups sends you to works for them, andthey are not looking out for your best interests"

Anyone with sense which you do not possess can tell that these doctors do not "work" for UPS. You can debate the quality of the doctor your sent to but reality is that doctor is not going to intentionally misdiagnose you or put you back to work if doing so could cost him a malpractice suit.

And you acually believe that? Give me a break.


Well-Known Member
Re: "Doc in a box" horror stories

Just had an appointment to see a co doc and I thought he was very good. He seemed to listen to what I had to say and agreed to most.


Happiness in Slavery...
Re: "Doc in a box" horror stories

Great example of why anytime you have a serious injury at UPS, always get a second opinion from a outside doctor, the doctor Ups sends you to works for them, andthey are not looking out for your best interests!

acknowledging the risk that this might spark an hourly/management discussion war, I want to add that the 'doctor UPS sends you to' does not actually work for UPS, but is part of company that deals with work injuries for several employers, not just UPS. so, while they may not be looking out for 'your best interests' I must disagree that the reason is due to the doctor's loyalties, but the fact that he has to see three hundred people from countless other companies with the same symptoms. Yes, second opinions are wonderful, this is why you have kick ass benefits, and yes, that doctor should have taken xrays, but please don't start pointing fingers when you don't now how things work.

Everyone makes mistakes. Any doctor, whether he has his own practice or not, is not perfect.


Well-Known Member
Re: "Doc in a box" horror stories

UPS picks the cheapest to get the job done...

always wondered about my DOT physical..
didn't think bending over and coughing was needed...(ouch)
but hey I passed the test...

But seriously they didn't even know what they were doing
for the test.. they openly said.. what tests do you get..
(being my first DOT I had no idea)


Re: "Doc in a box" horror stories

UPS management is under the gun right now on injuries. They are just killing on car sups and center managers over injuries. This is an insane thing that they get in so much trouble over an accident. Typical UPS ROBOT expectations.


Least Best Moderator
Staff member
Re: "Doc in a box" horror stories

I had to go to the clinic UPS uses for DOT physicals three times a couple of years ago. This was because of their incompetence in filling in all the blanks on a UPS DOT packet. Last January I filed an injury report when I thought I hurt myself. A couple of weeks later, I went for my DOT Physical and asked them to look for a Hernia, and they refused, saying that I would have to come back again to have that looked at! Anyway, the Doc checked me and said I didn't have one. I went to my personal doctor a couple of months later, and he checked me and said that yes indeed, I do have a Hernia. It is a small one, and I will have surgery next month. Liberty Mutual actually sent to me to the best Surgeon in my area, he has an excellent reputation and works on a lot of UPS employees.


Industrial Slob
Re: "Doc in a box" horror stories

Great example of why anytime you have a serious injury at UPS, always get a second opinion from a outside doctor, the doctor Ups sends you to works for them, andthey are not looking out for your best interests!
if this is actually true and substantiated, then that doctor loses his/her license.


Well-Known Member
Re: "Doc in a box" horror stories

if this is actually true and substantiated, then that doctor loses his/her license.

Do really think that the doctors at the clinic aren't skilled in covering their rear end while complying with the company's instructions?
I personally know of two seperate injuries that were misdiagnosed by the company doctors.
All the doctor has to say is, "OOPS! I may have misdiagnosed that patient" and they are off the hook, all the while counting the money the company has given them to minimize/conceal OTJ injuries.


Well-Known Member
Re: "Doc in a box" horror stories

Do really think that the doctors at the clinic aren't skilled in covering their rear end while complying with the company's instructions?
I personally know of two seperate injuries that were misdiagnosed by the company doctors.
All the doctor has to say is, "OOPS! I may have misdiagnosed that patient" and they are off the hook, all the while counting the money the company has given them to minimize/conceal OTJ injuries.

Dr Trickpony......That pint of whiskey you admit to drinking everyday has affected your mental state. You should seiously consider getting yourself into rehab. At the very least your wife would not be subject to the daily beating you have admitted to giving her while you're confined in a rehab program.


Industrial Slob
Re: "Doc in a box" horror stories

Do really think that the doctors at the clinic aren't skilled in covering their rear end while complying with the company's instructions?
I personally know of two seperate injuries that were misdiagnosed by the company doctors.
All the doctor has to say is, "OOPS! I may have misdiagnosed that patient" and they are off the hook, all the while counting the money the company has given them to minimize/conceal OTJ injuries.
I'm troubled by the lack of faith and cynicism you have towards physicians, especially in a first world democracy. You are correct, a doctor just has to say "oops, my bad" if questioned about unethical practises once, but you fail to take into account how that doctor has to say "oops my bad". It would be a hearing, articulating why he/she didn't order an x-ray for symptoms that merited it, a written report, and so on. One complaint doesn't mean much, doctors come across one complaint every few years, but the process is a pain in the ass; having to attend hearings, write reports, have the possibility of dicipline being taken, when you know you did something wrong.

But if this doctor is subject to mutiple complaints in a year from UPS employees saying they were told nothing was wrong form them and subsequently found a drastic discrepency when consulting another physician, you better believe that physician is in hot water. Doctors take oaths (and go through medical school) to serve their patients, not the pockets of corporations.

I'm not saying there aren't corrupt doctors, I'm saying that the concequences of being corrupt are so grave, there's no point of risking a career for a couple hundred bucks (a day's salary minimum).

I had to go to the clinic UPS uses for DOT physicals three times a couple of years ago. This was because of their incompetence in filling in all the blanks on a UPS DOT packet. Last January I filed an injury report when I thought I hurt myself. A couple of weeks later, I went for my DOT Physical and asked them to look for a Hernia, and they refused, saying that I would have to come back again to have that looked at!
I wouldn't say this is a doctor in UPS' pocket, it's pretty common. If you're booked for a DOT physical, the doctor is getting paid for a DOT physical. Anything else, that doctor isn't getting paid for. A lot of doctors have a one complaint per appointment policy, if they fielded 5 at a time, they'd see 50% less patients and with a much lower quality of care because they're rushing to see their next patient and his/her five concerns.

Load Stand

Re: "Doc in a box" horror stories

Diagnosing a hernia is not as easy as you think...I have heard of 3 different opinions by three docs on one employee (2 said he did not have one, one said he did)....ultrasound was eventually used and found that although there was a small hernia, it was best to let it heal over instead of operate....have heard of a few other cases in which the initial doc had to get a surgeon's opinion....and half the time surgery was needed and half the time not...

I agree the UPS doctors will only stick out out so far...it is not worth anyone's license to risk misdiagnosing...and a doc that does give you a hernia exam on a DOT physical is not supposed to....


Re: "Doc in a box" horror stories

I'm troubled by the lack of faith and cynicism you have towards physicians, especially in a first world democracy. You are correct, a doctor just has to say "oops, my bad" if questioned about unethical practises once, but you fail to take into account how that doctor has to say "oops my bad". It would be a hearing, articulating why he/she didn't order an x-ray for symptoms that merited it, a written report, and so on. One complaint doesn't mean much, doctors come across one complaint every few years, but the process is a pain in the ass; having to attend hearings, write reports, have the possibility of dicipline being taken, when you know you did something wrong.

But if this doctor is subject to mutiple complaints in a year from UPS employees saying they were told nothing was wrong form them and subsequently found a drastic discrepency when consulting another physician, you better believe that physician is in hot water. Doctors take oaths (and go through medical school) to serve their patients, not the pockets of corporations.

I'm not saying there aren't corrupt doctors, I'm saying that the concequences of being corrupt are so grave, there's no point of risking a career for a couple hundred bucks (a day's salary minimum).

I wouldn't say this is a doctor in UPS' pocket, it's pretty common. If you're booked for a DOT physical, the doctor is getting paid for a DOT physical. Anything else, that doctor isn't getting paid for. A lot of doctors have a one complaint per appointment policy, if they fielded 5 at a time, they'd see 50% less patients and with a much lower quality of care because they're rushing to see their next patient and his/her five concerns.
I'm checked for a hernia at every DOT physical, it's part of the physical.


Well-Known Member
Re: "Doc in a box" horror stories

I have had physicals where I was checked for a hernia and physicals where I wasn't checked for a hernia.
So where is the consistency?
So where is the professionalism?
So where are the ethics that some of you so espouse?

Loadstand- who says they aren't supposed to check for a hernia? Where/what is your documentation?


Senior Member
Re: "Doc in a box" horror stories

I had to go to the clinic UPS uses for DOT physicals three times a couple of years ago. This was because of their incompetence in filling in all the blanks on a UPS DOT packet. Last January I filed an injury report when I thought I hurt myself. A couple of weeks later, I went for my DOT Physical and asked them to look for a Hernia, and they refused, saying that I would have to come back again to have that looked at! Anyway, the Doc checked me and said I didn't have one. I went to my personal doctor a couple of months later, and he checked me and said that yes indeed, I do have a Hernia. It is a small one, and I will have surgery next month. Liberty Mutual actually sent to me to the best Surgeon in my area, he has an excellent reputation and works on a lot of UPS employees.
Sorry to hear you have a Hernia.
Had the same problem in 1994, happened on route. Called the center and went to the company doc. He confirmed that I had a Hernia and suggested immediate surgery. I was off during Peak. UPS never gave me a problem about it. I am suprised you are not checked for Hernia everytime you take your DOT physical. They probably do it orthoscopicaly(sp). Better than the seven inch scar I have. You will feel like you were on the losing end of a knife fight for the first week.
Heal well.


Senior Member
Re: "Doc in a box" horror stories

I have had physicals where I was checked for a hernia and physicals where I wasn't checked for a hernia.
So where is the consistency?
So where is the professionalism?
So where are the ethics that some of you so espouse?

Loadstand- who says they aren't supposed to check for a hernia? Where/what is your documentation?
I was checked everytime. If you wanted to be checked, why didn't you asked to be? When you are in the exam room with the doctor or PA it is the time to address any problem or concern you might have. After 11 DOT's I have yet to find a doc who would not answer my questions.
Where is your professionalism.
At least you are consistent.


Well-Known Member
Re: "Doc in a box" horror stories

...We can and do go to the doctor we choose here if we want to...
Not in California, IF you want it to be covered by Workers Comp. If so, you have to go to someone on Liberty Mutual's list. But I guess you can pay 20% and get a third opinion from whomever you want...


Retired 23 years
Re: "Doc in a box" horror stories

I was asked to be the first month I was at UPS. The division manager said she would write my letter. I guess it shows how smart I was not to accept.
Number one- yes you were smart to turn it down. Number 2- Don't get a big head about being asked to go into management. Everybody is asked at one time or another.