Does UPS shafting of it's managment healthcare make U accept they want to get us too?

Re: Does UPS shafting of it's managment healthcare make U accept they want to get us

Can you please explain how the current company plan is "far and away superior" to TEAMCare? Specifically, the average driver will earn about $30,000 in raises over the life of the contract. Can you please explain how TEAMCare will cost him/her more than $30,000 (vs. the current plan) out-of-pocket?

Didn't think so.

​Get over it.
Read my last post again because you are JUST NOT GETTING IT.


Well-Known Member
Re: Does UPS shafting of it's managment healthcare make U accept they want to get us

Can you please explain how the current company plan is "far and away superior" to TEAMCare? Specifically, the average driver will earn about $30,000 in raises over the life of the contract. Can you please explain how TEAMCare will cost him/her more than $30,000 (vs. the current plan) out-of-pocket?

Didn't think so.

​Get over it.

To suggest the average driver will be making $30,000 a year more in the 5 years is quite far fetched. What's that based on?
Everybody working a 60 hour week? Not even close. Here's the bottom line. Those of us with UPS health care will continue
to vote these supplements down until Teamcare provides the same coverage as UPS healthcare. In fact I can assure you my
supplement is going to get more no votes this time them the first. This won't get settled for quite awhile. You don't have to get over it.
​But you might as well get used
to it. Because that's the way it's going to be.


Family Leave Fridays!!!
Re: Does UPS shafting of it's managment healthcare make U accept they want to get us

To suggest the average driver will be making $30,000 a year more in the 5 years is quite far fetched. What's that based on?
Everybody working a 60 hour week? Not even close. Here's the bottom line. Those of us with UPS health care will continue
to vote these supplements down until Teamcare provides the same coverage as UPS healthcare. In fact I can assure you my
supplement is going to get more no votes this time them the first. This won't get settled for quite awhile. You don't have to get over it.
​But you might as well get used
to it. Because that's the way it's going to be.

That's not even close to what I wrote. I wrote that the five years' raises COMBINED will amount to an additional $30,000 in income. Get out a calculator and do the math yourself.

The national contract passed; we're moving toward union-controlled health insurance. UPS didn't, nor wouldn't, offer to continue no-cost company controlled health insurance. Get over it. Get use to it. Because that's the way it's going to be. Too bad, so sad.

It's like when a women tells her husband she no longer loves him and the husband refuses to accept it...


Well-Known Member
Re: Does UPS shafting of it's managment healthcare make U accept they want to get us

That's not even close to what I wrote. I wrote that the five years' raises COMBINED will amount to an additional $30,000 in income. Get out a calculator and do the math yourself.

The national contract passed; we're moving toward union-controlled health insurance. UPS didn't, nor wouldn't, offer to continue no-cost company controlled health insurance. Get over it. Get use to it. Because that's the way it's going to be. Too bad, so sad.

It's like when a women tells her husband she no longer loves him and the husband refuses to accept it...

And you're missing my point. I have no problem with union controlled insurance. I have a problem with an inferior union controlled insurance plan
compared to the one I have now. Upgrade Teamcare to the same plan I have now. Until you do you won't get the votes. Too bad, So sad.


Inordinately Right
Re: Does UPS shafting of it's managment healthcare make U accept they want to get us

And you're missing my point. I have no problem with union controlled insurance. I have a problem with an inferior union controlled insurance plan
compared to the one I have now. Upgrade Teamcare to the same plan I have now. Until you do you won't get the votes. Too bad, So sad.
Since you guys are already getting into it with each other....

Is the new "inferior" plan the CS C-6 enhanced plan? Because the Central States Enhanced C-6 plan looks almost exactly the same as the UPS plan I have now. The two differences I see are the hundred dollar deductible and requiring people to use the mail order prescription program. Is the 100 dollar(400 in 2017) deductible really what we're arguing about?

I realize we are all short on facts about the new plan, but if someone has more information about changes, I'd love to know about them. I'm not even being sarcastic, isn't it basically the same?
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nowhere special
Re: Does UPS shafting of it's managment healthcare make U accept they want to get us

I think a lot of the concern is over details such as how Teamcare will turn out to be in real life - not what is promised. I have heard many stories about union insurance denying claims or limiting which doctors you can go to or what prescriptions are paid for. Many insurance details can be interpreted different ways and people are afraid of how Teamcare will be when they have freedom to do as they please to cut costs even if it means denying valid claims.

3 done 3 to go

In control of own destiny
Re: Does UPS shafting of it's managment healthcare make U accept they want to get us

I think a lot of the concern is over details such as how Teamcare. will turn out to be in real life - not what is promised. I have heard many stories about union insurance denying claims or limiting which doctors you can go to or what prescriptions are paid for. Many insurance details can be interpreted different ways and people are afraid of how Teamcare will be when they have freedom to do as they please to cut costs even if it means denying valid claims.

I have the union plan. In it for 25 yrs now. I basically had them my card. Pay 10 dollars for eyes (no charge for under 100 dollar frames) dental (except braces) which will be coming .Dr visit /emergency (blessed here) chiropractor (used frequently by wife and boys) . Guys it really isn't bad. But, I'm in upstate Ny. I don't know anything about teamcare


Well-Known Member
Re: Does UPS shafting of it's managment healthcare make U accept they want to get us

I have the union plan. In it for 25 yrs now. I basically had them my card. Pay 10 dollars for eyes (no charge for under 100 dollar frames) dental (except braces) which will be coming .Dr visit /emergency (blessed here) chiropractor (used frequently by wife and boys) . Guys it really isn't bad. But, I'm in upstate Ny. I don't know anything about teamcare

And that my friends is the underlying theme. No one knows anything about Teamcare or how it works in real life. I know what I have now
and it's excellent. And I'm just suppose to blindly follow the IBT and trust them? Don't think so. They need to come up with alot of details
​and answers to alot of questions before that happens.


Well-Known Member
Re: Does UPS shafting of it's managment healthcare make U accept they want to get us

That's not even close to what I wrote. I wrote that the five years' raises COMBINED will amount to an additional $30,000 in income. Get out a calculator and do the math yourself.

The national contract passed; we're moving toward union-controlled health insurance. UPS didn't, nor wouldn't, offer to continue no-cost company controlled health insurance. Get over it. Get use to it. Because that's the way it's going to be. Too bad, so sad.

It's like when a women tells her husband she no longer loves him and the husband refuses to accept it...
This is exactly the approach and attitude the IBT is using to move forward in passing of the supplements. Even if it is correct what you are saying its not an effective way to try and resolve the problem of passing all these supplements. This was one of the top priorities of the members when surveyed.


Well-Known Member
Re: Does UPS shafting of it's managment healthcare make U accept they want to get us

Since you guys are already getting into it with each other....

Is the new "inferior" plan the CS C-6 enhanced plan? Because the Central States Enhanced C-6 plan looks almost exactly the same as the UPS plan I have now. The two differences I see are the hundred dollar deductible and requiring people to use the mail order prescription program. Is the 100 dollar(400 in 2017) deductible really what we're arguing about?

I realize we are all short on facts about the new plan, but if someone has more information about changes, I'd love to know about them. I'm not even being sarcastic, isn't it basically the same?
That is a very good question Drive. I am currently in the Central States C6 and have been for a while. Im not sure exactly the differences to compare with other types of coverages across the country. I like the coverage we've had although I don't know what I am comparing it to

3 done 3 to go

In control of own destiny
Re: Does UPS shafting of it's managment healthcare make U accept they want to get us

And that my. friends is the underlying theme. No one knows anything about Teamcare or how it works in real life. I know what I have now
and it's excellent. And I'm just suppose to blindly follow the IBT and trust them? Don't think so. They need to come up with alot of details
​and answers to alot of questions before that happens.

Agree with you totally. I just wanted to tell you. If it does mirror ours. You will be satisfied. I never expect any one to trust the union. With basically our lives. We all know UPS wants us all dead. For a cheaper version


Family Leave Fridays!!!
Re: Does UPS shafting of it's managment healthcare make U accept they want to get us

This is exactly the approach and attitude the IBT is using to move forward in passing of the supplements. Even if it is correct what you are saying its not an effective way to try and resolve the problem of passing all these supplements. This was one of the top priorities of the members when surveyed.

UPS has made it clear, and stalled negotiations because, that they were no longer willing to provide company-controlled no-cost benefits; the perceived costs was more than they were willing to pay. Hall simply cannot present a contract in which we pay a portion of our premium -- most of the FTers are in union-controlled - NOT company-controlled - health plans, and the cost would be too much for the crux of the PT workforce. Such contract simply would not pass. For similar reasoning, Hall could not present a contract with diminished wages in exchange for continued company-controlled benefits.

FTers currently in what's now TEAMCare have reported high satisfaction with the health plan. Seemingly it's the smear campaign by TDU, social media & word-of-mouth on TEAMCare that has UPSers worried. Most of the "concerns" are simply unfounded. And many PTers & FTers voted against the contract because they felt the economic proposals didn't go far enough; e.g. a FTer believes the cumulative $30K in raises they'll receive should be tripled, the pension should be doubled, and not one penny should flow out of their pocket toward increased health care costs. Unfortunately, such proposal is simply unrealistic.

I strongly believe Hall presented us with a contract whose economic proposal was a fair balance, at least for those who will vote. I'm opposed to the contract, and will continue to vote no, until such matters as Article 7 language is corrected & 22.3 jobs are enforced. Most of the FTers on here don't care about A7 or 22.3 -- they just want more $$$.

Hall will not lead IBT on strike against UPS. The cost is too high, especially since it's a minority of employees affected.

And that my friends is the underlying theme. No one knows anything about Teamcare or how it works in real life. I know what I have now
and it's excellent. And I'm just suppose to blindly follow the IBT and trust them? Don't think so. They need to come up with alot of details
​and answers to alot of questions before that happens.

...except the thousands of Teamsters currently in TEAMCare, several of whom post on here and report no issues with the insurance. Take the tin foil hat off!!

3 done 3 to go

In control of own destiny
Re: Does UPS shafting of it's managment healthcare make U accept they want to get us

UPS has made it clear, and stalled negotiations because, that. they were no longer willing to provide company-controlled no-cost benefits; the perceived costs was more than they were willing to pay. Hall simply cannot present a contract in which we pay a portion of our premium -- most of the FTers are in union-controlled - NOT company-controlled - health plans, and the cost would be too much for the crux of the PT workforce. Such contract simply would not pass. For similar reasoning, Hall could not present a contract with diminished wages in exchange for continued company-controlled benefits.

FTers currently in what's now TEAMCare have reported high satisfaction with the health plan. Seemingly it's the smear campaign by TDU, social media & word-of-mouth on TEAMCare that has UPSers worried. Most of the "concerns" are simply unfounded. And many PTers & FTers voted against the contract because they felt the economic proposals didn't go far enough; e.g. a FTer believes the cumulative $30K in raises they'll receive should be tripled, the pension should be doubled, and not one penny should flow out of their pocket toward increased health care costs. Unfortunately, such proposal is simply unrealistic.

I strongly believe Hall presented us with a contract whose economic proposal was a fair balance, at least for those who will vote. I'm opposed to the contract, and will continue to vote no, until such matters as Article 7 language is corrected & 22.3 jobs are enforced. Most of the FTers on here don't care about A7 or 22.3 -- they just want more $$$.

Hall will not lead IBT on strike against UPS. The cost is too high, especially since it's a minority of employees affected.

Good luck with that. Upstate Ny just passed our supplement with absolutely zero changes. Passed by 65%. Now just 16 to go to get my raise now. 5 more yrs of nothing by my local. Most will pass now -still have guys asking when they get their raise. I just say to them are you friend 'n kidding.
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Re: Does UPS shafting of it's managment healthcare make U accept they want to get us

Since you guys are already getting into it with each other....

Is the new "inferior" plan the CS C-6 enhanced plan? Because the Central States Enhanced C-6 plan looks almost exactly the same as the UPS plan I have now. The two differences I see are the hundred dollar deductible and requiring people to use the mail order prescription program. Is the 100 dollar(400 in 2017) deductible really what we're arguing about?

I realize we are all short on facts about the new plan, but if someone has more information about changes, I'd love to know about them. I'm not even being sarcastic, isn't it basically the same?

Here is the deal.

All the Cadillac style plans that have a large number of members are looking at a 40% tax from Obamacare. What I mean about cadillac is how much money Obamacare is saying a company or your self is contributing into a health plan and is it taxable. If it meets that mark you or the plan are looking at a tax. Up to 40%. The smaller groups are looking at a smaller tax or not at all. Like some of the locals that have there own plans. Also in the new TA it states if there is more funding needed for a failing health plan it will come out of the members raises and pension contributions.

UPS saw this and that's why they asked for money to cover the tax. Then the union said will take it off your hands knowing CS plan was all ready in jeopardy so hall and the negotiation committe (most are CS members) thought it would be better if number would go 50,000 insured members to 190,000 insured members.

So how is this a great contract? It isn't.

That's why 18 local and rider contracts were voted theirs down. 75% of them because they don't want to go into CS. Then three union leaders of the largest unions in the US (Hoffa is one of them) wrote a letter to tell Obama, I'm sorry I mean they were begging Obama to cut the union insurance plans a break on the tax. Saying that it will kill the 40 hour work plan.

Now here is the twist. First, Obamacare got a extension to 2015 instead of kicking in to 2014. Second, congress might not pass the funding for Obamacare, which would mean that Obamacare is a no deal. Now IBT and some locals want to jam this crap contract down our throats so it will pass then wait until Obamacare will pass or fail to see if we as union members are screwed. I don't now about you but I don't like it when someone gambles my money.


Family Leave Fridays!!!
Re: Does UPS shafting of it's managment healthcare make U accept they want to get us

Here is the deal. All the Cadillac style plans that have a large number of members are looking at a 40% tax from Obamacare. What I mean about cadillac is how much money Obamacare is saying a company or your self is contributing into a health plan and is it taxable. If it meets that mark you or the plan are looking at a tax. Up to 40%. The smaller groups are looking at a smaller tax or not at all. Like some of the locals that have there own plans. Also in the new TA it states if there is more funding needed for a failing health plan it will come out of the members raises and pension contributions. UPS saw this and that's why they asked for money to cover the tax. Then the union said will take it off your hands knowing CS plan was all ready in jeopardy so hall and the negotiation committe (most are CS members) thought it would be better if number would go 50,000 insured members to 190,000 insured members. So how is this a great contract? It isn't. That's why 18 local and rider contracts were voted theirs down. 75% of them because they don't want to go into CS. Then three union leaders of the largest unions in the US (Hoffa is one of them) wrote a letter to tell Obama, I'm sorry I mean they were begging Obama to cut the union insurance plans a break on the tax. Saying that it will kill the 40 hour work plan. Now here is the twist. First, Obamacare got a extension to 2015 instead of kicking in to 2014. Second, congress might not pass the funding for Obamacare, which would mean that Obamacare is a no deal. Now IBT and some locals want to jam this crap contract down our throats so it will pass then wait until Obamacare will pass or fail to see if we as union members are screwed. I don't now about you but I don't like it when someone gambles my money.

Great story grandpa - YouTube


You want a toe? I can get you a toe.
Re: Does UPS shafting of it's managment healthcare make U accept they want to get us

Here is the deal.

All the Cadillac style plans that have a large number of members are looking at a 40% tax from Obamacare. What I mean about cadillac is how much money Obamacare is saying a company or your self is contributing into a health plan and is it taxable. If it meets that mark you or the plan are looking at a tax. Up to 40%. The smaller groups are looking at a smaller tax or not at all. Like some of the locals that have there own plans. Also in the new TA it states if there is more funding needed for a failing health plan it will come out of the members raises and pension contributions.

UPS saw this and that's why they asked for money to cover the tax. Then the union said will take it off your hands knowing CS plan was all ready in jeopardy so hall and the negotiation committe (most are CS members) thought it would be better if number would go 50,000 insured members to 190,000 insured members.

So how is this a great contract? It isn't.

That's why 18 local and rider contracts were voted theirs down. 75% of them because they don't want to go into CS. Then three union leaders of the largest unions in the US (Hoffa is one of them) wrote a letter to tell Obama, I'm sorry I mean they were begging Obama to cut the union insurance plans a break on the tax. Saying that it will kill the 40 hour work plan.

Now here is the twist. First, Obamacare got a extension to 2015 instead of kicking in to 2014. Second, congress might not pass the funding for Obamacare, which would mean that Obamacare is a no deal. Now IBT and some locals want to jam this crap contract down our throats so it will pass then wait until Obamacare will pass or fail to see if we as union members are screwed. I don't now about you but I don't like it when someone gambles my money.

You lost me when u said CS healthcare is in trouble. I believe CS healthcare has enough to continue coverage for a year or longer without any new money at all going in.

I realize everyone thinks the pension was bleeding money the health care fund must be too. Simply not the case though.