Don't Accuse Me of Blaming America..........


Squeaky Wheel
For re-election purposes, no party will do significate cuts or raise taxes.
But, only 3 new presidencies away, SS and medicare/aid will run out of funds.

That's when it really hits the fan !

Maybe even sooner, if China can't or won't support the US deficit by then.

What ppl don't realize: China has the resources to own our butts.

We really need to get our gov't straightened out. Soon.


Staff member
Well. That opinion piece was well received around here. If you happen to be a black minister pointing out that "the chickens are coming home to roost", well then all hell breaks out.


Staff member
Well. That opinion piece was well received around here. If you happen to be a black minister pointing out that "the chickens are coming home to roost", well then all hell breaks out.
Don't try to minimize the damage that monster did to our beloved country! The terrible words that he used! "gosh darn America!" Oh the horror, the horror.....


Staff member
Don't try to minimize the damage that monster did to our beloved country! The terrible words that he used! "gosh darn America!" Oh the horror, the horror.....

Call me a stickler for logic, but I believe the ":censored2: America" comment had an "if...then..." structure to it. But as the article pointed out, words are twisted, meanings obscured.


Staff member
More of your liberal obfuscation! Don't you know the power of truthiness?

I love Colbert! But be careful how much of his "truthiness" you are willing to swallow. He is the one who pointed out, "You're either gay or you're fighting it!" Swallow that. (Eeeewwww!)


Don't try to minimize the damage that monster did to our beloved country! The terrible words that he used! "gosh darn America!" Oh the horror, the horror.....

He was not just another idiot ranting his brand of lunacy but the minister the future president had sat and listened to for twenty years. As the future presidents minister in a role where he influences his congregration including the future president his words are subject to much more scutiny then the average idiot ranting away.

if the future president had for instance attended a church and listened to a hitler for twenty years you liberals would have been pissing your pants at the thought of his being unduly influenced.


Staff member
[COLOR=#0000ff[B]]if the future president had for instance attended a church and listened to a hitler for twenty years[/B] you liberals would have been pissing your pants at the thought of his being unduly influenced. [/COLOR]
Well sure Tie, because that's completely analogous to what actually happened :rolleyes:

Thank you for making my point, btw....


Staff member
"gosh darn America, as long as she tries to act like God, and she is supreme." Unfetter your mind and perhaps it makes sense. "One nation, under God...." Not a nation above God, not a nation in place of God, but one nation subject to the will and direction of God. Stray from that will and direction, and damnation is the consequence. That does not seem too far from what Christian conservatives preach, and yet Wright's brand calls into question their transgressions and the "chickens come home to roost." But somehow we are to believe that we do not "reap what we sow."