had mine last month, there was no measuring of the neck/bmi or questions of snoring.
No mentioning of sleep studies.
I'll ask around today. 200+ PC drivers in my building.
Is your weight close to normal?
If you're not too much overweight, they won't even measure your neck. Your BMI is calculated using your height and weight. They weighed you during your physical. If your BMI is nowhere near 35, they won't waste their time going any further.
If you're severely overweight and your BMI is 35 or higher, you probably will go through all the measurements and questions.
You have to be obese, feeder drivers, to have a BMI of 35 or higher.
At 6 ft tall, your weight needs to be over 250 lbs to have a BMI of 35 or higher.
I am curious to hear back from you about the 200 drivers and their experience. There was another thread and someone was saying they sent a few of there package drivers to a sleep study based on the FMCSA guidelines.