We had 6 drivers in my center alone that had to do a sleep study.
3 are guys that love going to the gym and getting big. They were not happy at all.
The hoops they all told me you have to go through sounds like a nightmare. Also 2 were sent because they were right on the dot at BMI 35 and neck size at 17. Nothing they could do to fight it also. It's ridiculous and our local was absolutely no help they said.
The sleep study is the just the tip of the iceberg. If you are diagnosed with apnea (even mild apnea), you must maintain compliance with cpap usage in order to keep your DOT card. The older machines used a memory card, but the new ones transmit wirelessly in real time.
Get ready to sleep with an air compressor for the rest of your career.
My DOT card expires next month. How do I go about renewing it? Is that something my doctor can do? When UPS hired me they sent me to their own place to get a physical. Don't remember where.
But there are published "guidelines" with the threat of a very heavy fine. The FMCSA leaves it up to the doctors medical judgement, but dangles over their heads a huge fine if they certify someone that shouldn't necessarily have been certified without a sleep study.