dow 26000


Well-Known Member
That’s true in a fundamentally sound economy. And we have that.

But the economic policies of inflation and higher interest rates on top of Washington dysfunction put that economic footing in doubt.

higher interest rates as this economy finally pulls out of its slump is a necessary evil.


Staff member
higher interest rates as this economy finally pulls out of its slump is a necessary evil.
Oh. It I heard promises of 4 and 5% gdp growth even though people (well, me) were saying the fed would never allow that for any length of time .


Staff member
That’s true in a fundamentally sound economy. And we have that.

But the economic policies of inflation and higher interest rates on top of Washington dysfunction put that economic footing in doubt.
Knock it back down to 19 or 20,000 and the market will start to feel correctly valued or even a little undervalued. The big drop will frighten off a lot of the herd and there should be plenty of opportunities for the savvy investor.

El Correcto

god is dead
Knock it back down to 19 or 20,000 and the market will start to feel correctly valued or even a little undervalued. The big drop will frighten off a lot of the herd and there should be plenty of opportunities for the savvy investor.
We could just vote in a democrat to push a bunch of useless regulations, harming businesses. That would do the trick for savvy investors.


Well-Known Member
Trump is making America so great, must be why you moved to a third world country.
With all the Mercedes, BMW's, Lexus, Land Rovers, and Audi's running around Almaty, Kazakhstan, not to mention all the luxury malls it would be hard to call this third world. I just bought some Tabasco at the supermarket, these folks are civilized.